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  1. 进而提出了识别植被、土壤、水、冰雪和云等五类目标的最佳波段和分类函数及分类流程图,得到了很高的分类精度。

    The best wavebands , the classification functions and classification flow diagrams for five kinds of targets are determined .

  2. 用方差分析法对涠洲、硇洲、闸坡、万山、云澳五个海洋站多年观测的盐度月平均值序列作周期性检验。

    Salinity periodicity had been studied by the method of squariance analysis on the mean monthly sequences from five observation stations .

  3. 在对NFS和S3有了深入了解后,阐述了云存储网关的设计方案、构成云存储网关五个重要的模块,以及网关处理MOUNT挂载和NFS文件操作的具体实现流程。

    When we have a deeper understanding of NFS and S3 , describe the cloud storage gateway design , five major modules of cloud storage gateway , as well as the processes of MOUNT and NFS file operations of gateway .

  4. 该方法主要包括手动分割,点云获取,NURBS表面拟合,重采样和点云匹配这五个步骤。

    It contains of manual segmentation , point cloud obtaining , NURBS surface fitting , re-sampling and point cloud matching .

  5. 针对以往由点云构造曲面或三角网格,再根据曲面或网格生成刀轨的方法复杂、工作量大的问题,研究了直接从激光测量点云数据生成五坐标数控加工刀轨及干涉处理的方法。

    An algorithm of interference free tool path generation for five-axis NC machining from laser scan points was presented . The approach includes : obtain cutter location points from cutter contact points ;