首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 在拱平面内地震作用时,拱脚下缘会出现较大的拉应力;

    When the earthquake sets on the arch plane , there will be considerable strain on the lower edges of the arch springings .

  2. 在跨音速工况下,涡轮级静叶尾缘会出现激波,该激波会对下游动叶通道内的流动产生周期性的影响。

    A stator trailing edge shock appears as the turbine stage is operating at transonic conditions . The shock alters the flow condition in the rotor section periodically .

  3. 恰是这种昔日仅受工业革命推动发展的连续性改良文化解释了那些难以置信的技术创新缘何会在人类社会中层出不穷的现象。

    It is this culture of continuous improvement , which was only accelerated by the industrial revolution , that explains the astonishing improvements in the human condition over time .

  4. 在经济全球化、文化全球化的今天,在武术无缘奥运会的今天,武术依然要生存、发展。

    Nowadays , when the economy and culture are globalizing , when Wushu will not be a sport in the Olympic Games , Wushu still needs to survive and to be developed .

  5. 冥顽无知的人,有缘见到你会全然无动于心;

    All ignorant that soul that sees thee without wonder ;

  6. 由于已是职业选手,中国选手陈露无缘今天冬奥会。

    Having been a professional , Chinese athlete Chen Lu cannot participate in this year 's winter olympics .

  7. 这些认识对云南地区大震预测、地震机理以及板缘动力学研究会有所帮助。

    The above cognition is helpful to the study of earthquake prediction , seismogenic mechanism , and the dynamics of the plate margin in Yunnan .

  8. “如果我们有缘的话,会相遇的。”

    " We 'll meet , if we are destined to . "

  9. 接着,由于血检结果可疑,4名中国游泳运动员和马俊仁手下的6名长跑运动员无缘2000年奥运会。

    Then , four swimmers and six of Mr Ma 's runners were kicked off China 's team for the 2000 games because of suspicious blood test results .

  10. 只要用心去感觉,那已经是很不错的了。缘分无规律,苦苦的等待着一分缘,很可能会是等不到。

    As long as the intentions to feel , it is very good . irregular , hard hours of waiting for one fate , there will probably be less than such as are .

  11. 抗穿刺性能是尖缘产品包装使用的薄柔性材料的一项重要性能,因为产品的尖缘会破坏阻隔包装的完整性。

    Penetration resistance is an important end-use performance of thin flexible materials where a sharp-edged product can destroy the integrity of a barrier wrap .