
  • Fate and destiny;Serendipity;serendipity film;Marc Klein
  1. 当命运有了幽默感,它就变成了缘分天注定。

    When destiny has a sense of humor , it is called serendipity .

  2. 《缘分天注定》我喜欢那个电影

    We have Serendipity ? I love that movie !

  3. 结果发现,看了《缘分天注定》的学生更信奉命运和宿命。

    Viewers of the romantic comedy were found to be more likely to believe in fate and destiny .

  4. 那你打算怎么办做些随意又好玩的事情比如去“缘分天注定”餐厅吃冰淇淋

    So what are you gonna do ? Something casual but cool , like go for ice cream at Serendipity .

  5. 以后的调查问卷表现,看了《缘分天注定》的门生对于运气和宿命的信仰水平大大超越看现实主义片子的人。

    In a questionnaire after the film ended , students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the'straight'film .

  6. 没有必要着急,该来的总归会来。缘分天注定,在对的时间遇到对的人。

    Theres no need to rush . If something is meant to be , it will happen in the right time , with the right person , and for the best reason .

  7. 之后的调查问卷显示,看了《缘分天注定》的学生对于命运和宿命的信奉程度大大超过看现实主义电影的人。

    In a questionnaire after the film ended , students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the ' straight " film .

  8. 1994年拍下这张照片时,两人的住处相距了几百英里,然而缘分天注定,11年后他们在高中相遇相恋。

    The pair lived hundreds of miles apart when the picture was taken in 1994 , yet fate determined that they would meet and fall in love at sixth form college , 11 years later .