
Townremains the right power of controlling and management to a certain extent by managing andinfiltrating village 's public power and economic life .
Authority is the special power of person or political group with social public authority to guide , arrange and control other person or group to do things following its willingness , and it is the special tool maintaining the continuous development and coordination of the society .
The essence of business bribe is rent-seeking ; the social source of whose phenomenon lies in the dissimilation of public power and industry monopoly .
There naturally exists contradiction among the market economy , harmonious society and national public power . Government by law is the unique way to solve this contradiction , best route to rule by law .
Citizen participation in public decision-making , citizens have equal access to public power , is the fundamental rights and freedoms .
It is presently a foundational issue to reconstruct the activity and analysis paradigms of educational policy against the general background of social structure change and public educational power shift .
In market economy , government contract , as a means of administration , is expected to mediate and conciliate the interests between the public and private and to restrain the ever-expanding administrative power .
In the process of social mode transition , the change of government 's functions and the development of the market mechanism are the key factors affecting the system transition of primary and secondary schools in China .
Scholars of different discipline have different definitions of corruption . Nowadays , there is an expanding phenomenon when people understanding the definition of corruption , but the problem that public officers taking advantage of duty should be included into the meaning of corruption .
Crimes by taking advantages of duty ( simply called duty crimes ) are products of the development of the human society .
The crime of bribery is the national public officials in the office and the implementation of the crime , is a product of human society developed to a certain stage , is the result of social public power alienation .
According to the theory of social contract , modern government is an organization which is separated from the society and executes common-rights . The relation between the people and the government is the political principal-agent relation for the common rights .
With the change of scheme of society and pattern of ownership , social values tend to be pluralized and police 's social administration function and public power feature become more and more obvious .
The paper mainly obtains from the social structure , which points out dichotomy , trichotomy and quartation .
With the social developing , the administrative power began to differentiate and transfer to the public especially the non-governmental organizations , as the result , a large number of non-governmental organizations involved in public administration affairs , pushing the social public body become administrative power bodies .