  • fall;drop;descend;come down

  • surrender;capitulate;subdue;vanquish
  • 下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。

  • 减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。

  • 姓。

  • 基本字义

  • ● 降

  • xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ

  • 投降,归顺:宁死不~。

  • 降服,使驯服。~龙伏虎。


(落下) fall; drop; descend; come down:

  • 降雨

    a fall of rain; rainfall;

  • 电梯缓缓地降到底楼。

    The elevator descended slowly to the ground floor.

  • 墨西哥城大约每隔十年降一次雪。

    About once in ten years snow falls on Mexico City.

  • 温度降到摄氏零下十度。

    The temperature dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade.


(使落下; 降低) lower; reduce:

  • 把军官降为士兵

    reduce an officer to the ranks;

  • 降价

    lower prices;

  • 水手们降下了救生艇。

    The sailors lowered a lifeboat.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 降晖

    Jiang Hui


(投降) surrender; capitulate:

  • 宁死不降

    rather die than surrender


(降伏) subdue; vanquish; tame:

  • 一物降一物。

    There is always one thing to conquer [overcome] another.

  1. 气温会降到最低点10度。

    Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees .

  2. 华北地区喜降瑞雪。

    There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China .

  3. 所有的公共建筑都降半旗。

    Flags were flying at half mast on all public buildings .

  4. 雾中的能见距离降到了大约100米。

    Visibility was down to about 100 metres in the fog .

  5. 昨晚伦敦的气温降到了有记录以来的最低点。

    The temperature reached a record low in London last night .

  6. 对于难民来说,运来的食物有如天降吗哪。

    To the refugees , the food shipments were manna from heaven .

  7. 因为有擦痕他们将价格降了60元。

    They knocked off $ 60 because of a scratch .

  8. 他把价格从80元降到了50元。

    He knocked down the price from $ 80 to $ 50 .

  9. 今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。

    The euro hit a record low in trading today .

  10. 地面陡降,下方是布满岩石的岸边。

    The land dropped precipitously down to the rocky shore .

  11. 我设法让他把价格降到了400元。

    I managed to knock him down to $ 400 .

  12. 温度计降到了创纪录的零下40度。

    The thermometer had dropped to a record 40 below .

  13. 英镑对美元的比价降到了有记录以来最低水平。

    The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar .

  14. 石油价格降到了每桶9元。

    Oil prices fell to $ 9 a barrel .

  15. 他安葬那天,降了半旗。

    Flags were flown at half mast on the day of his funeral .

  16. 气温降到零下28摄氏度。

    The temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees centigrade .

  17. 这种药用于降血压。

    This drug is used to lower blood pressure .

  18. 在我们脚下,地势陡降。

    The ground dropped sheer away at our feet .

  19. 夜间温度陡降。

    The temperature fell sharply in the night .

  20. 这支乐曲不好演奏,到处是升半音、降半音。

    It 's a difficult piece to play , full of sharps and flats .

  21. 他们不战而降。

    They gave up without a fight .

  22. 通货膨胀率降到一位数了。

    Inflation is down to single figures .

  23. 这种股票价格下跌45便士,降到了538便士。

    Share prices retreated 45p to 538p .

  24. 价格降到了最低点。

    Prices hit rock bottom .

  25. 对数百万失业者来说,通货膨胀率的微降是不起作用的安慰。

    A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job .

  26. 我发现你的差点已从16杆降到了12杆。

    I see your handicap is down from 16 to 12 .

  27. 3星级宾馆的住宿价格在几个北方城市降得最多。

    Prices at three-star hotels fell furthest in several northern cities .

  28. 那天晚上温度计显示气温降到了零下30度。

    That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero .

  29. 随着复苏的加速,利率会降下来。

    Interest rates would come down as the recovery gathered pace .

  30. 平均预期寿命从70岁左右降到了67岁。

    Average life expectancy went down from about 70 to 67 .