
  • 网络precipitation rate;Rain;Prate;total column precipitable water vapor
  1. 单点试验表明该方案通过调整背景场的水汽辐合和辐散的垂直结构,使得同化后观测算子计算的降水率更接近实况。

    After the assimilation , the observation operator can obtain more accurate rain rate using the analysis field .

  2. 在台风降水云个例中,随着台风的成熟,高液态水路径的面积比初始阶段增多,且当地表降水率小于5mm/h时,云中液态水路径随地表降水率的增大而逐渐增大。

    And in the typhoon precipitation case , the area of high P_ LW increased from the initial stage to the mature stage , and when the precipitation rate is lower than 5 mm / h , the retrieved P_LW in typhoon cloud increased with increase in precipitation rate .

  3. 一些重要的大气变量包括表面空气温度,海平面气压和降水率用来评估GOALS模式模拟当代气候和气候变率的能力。

    Some fundamental atmospheric variables including surface air temperature ( SAT ), sea level pressure ( SLP ) and precipitation are examined to evaluate the ability of the GOALS model to simulate the contemporary climate and climate variability .

  4. 总体上GPCP有过高估计降水率的趋势。

    Generally , the GPCP has an overestimating trend in rainfall rates .

  5. 对流云出现频率约60%,其≥0.1mm降水率约80%。

    While the occurence frequency of convective cloud is about 60 % , and precipitation efficiency (≥ 0 . 1mm ) 80 % .

  6. 在4km高度至近地面,热对流的降水率减少速度比98.7.20强对流降水的快,表明前者雨滴在下降过程中因气温高而发生强烈蒸发。

    From 4 km to near surface , profiles show that rainfall rate reducing in the thermal convective system is faster than that in the mesoscale convective system , which implies a strong droplet evaporation process occurring in the former system .

  7. 利用神经网络外推预测干燥过程降水率

    Predicting Water Content of Drying Process Using Neural Network Model

  8. 平均单位降水率为0.0493%/时。

    40 % . The average rate of moisture reducing was 0.0493 % / h. .

  9. 通过间歇自动称量样品的质量,实现对样品水分、降水率等的自动监测;

    Sample moisture and moisture removal rate are auto supervised through acquiring the sample mass intermittently ;

  10. 使用云分类和降水率估计的方法,用静止气象卫星数字云图进行面雨量估算。

    He method of cloud classification and rainfall rate calculation are used in areal rainfall estimation of GMS imagery data .

  11. 蒸发率、降水率和降水再循环率在20年中均有增加,表明气候变暖对我国北方地区的水汽循环的影响已经显现。

    Evaporation , precipitation and recycling ratios increase during the20 years , which may be the effect of the climate warming .

  12. 无论何种微波能辐射方式,纤维饱和点以上的平均干燥速率和降水率都大于纤维饱和点以下的平均干燥速率。

    The average drying rate and microwave energy utilization efficiency above the fiber-saturation point ( FSP ) was higher than below the FSP no matter what radiation pattern was used .

  13. 应用一维云模式确定红外线图上对流核的降水率,层状云降水通过一个温度阈值给出。

    Finally it outputs the rainfall rate from the convective nucleolus in infrared cloud data by using the one dimension cloud model and gives the rainfall of stratus using a threshold of temperature .

  14. 提出利用逐时的中尺度辐合中心、卫星红外云图云顶亮温及雷达回波降水率做中尺度雨团量级预测思路。

    In addition , a thought of how to use the mesoscale convergence center , TBB of convective cloud and the radar echo for rainfall rate to predict the mesoscale rain cluster is presented .

  15. 值得注意的是降水率模拟偏低主要是在海洋上,而中高纬的陆地降水在北半球冬天却比观测偏高。

    It is worth noting the underestimation by simulated precipitation rates mostly appears over the oceans , yet over-land precipitation is higher in high and middle latitudes than the observed for the boreal winter .

  16. 热风温度、样品质量、样品水分、样品降水率、尾气温度、尾气湿度等以图表实时显示,并以电子表格存储。

    Drying air temperature and humidity , exhaust air temperature and humidity , sample mass , and moisture removal rate etc. are shown as chart in time and stored in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file for processing .

  17. 实验结果表明,该干燥装置不仅能够充分利用干燥介质的干燥能力和最大限度地提高物料的降水率,而且还避免了半环中的粘壁问题;

    The test results showed that the combined impinging stream drying not only solve the problems of impinging stream drying used for drying high moisture sticky materials , but also can make full use of drying ability of hot air to improve the drying of materials ;

  18. 总体上看,这种基于NCEP再分析资料和GLM的天气发生器对降水变率具有很强的解释和模拟能力。

    On the whole , these stochastic models based on GLM and the NCEP reanalysis data are powerful tools for explaining and simulating the occurrence probability and amounts of precipitation .

  19. 旱作玉米提高降水利用率的覆膜模式研究

    Film mulch modes for increasing rainfall use efficiency of dry-land corn

  20. 内蒙古地区提高天然降水利用率实用技术及其评价

    Technics and Assessment of Improving Precipitation Utilization in Inner Mongolia Region

  21. 用人工神经网络法对降水变率进行分类。

    Classification of rainfall variability by using artificial neural networks .

  22. 我国中部和南部地区降水再循环率评估

    Precipitation Recycling in Southern and Central China

  23. 内蒙古东部区主要作物降水利用率与生产潜力研究

    The Study of Availability and Productive Capacity of Precipitation in the East Area of Inner Mongolia

  24. 杨沙混交林提高了自然降水利用率。年生长季中混交林地土壤含水量与降水量间相关关系十分显著。

    In the annual growth season , the soil moisture of mixture woodlands has markable correlation with the precipitation .

  25. 蒸发率和降水再循环率在20年中均有增加的趋势,这可能与气候变暖有关。

    Both Evaporation and precipitation recycling increase during the 20 years , which may be the results of climate warming .

  26. 降水变率呈明显增大趋势,表明降水稳定性降低,干旱与洪涝灾害更加频繁。

    Precipitation variable showed an evident uptrend , and aridity and waterlog became more frequent because of the stability of precipitation fall .

  27. 气候变化预计将增加许多地方的降水变率,即便总降水量将增加。

    Climate change is expected to increase rainfall variability in many places , even where the total rainfall is set to rise .

  28. 光照充足,温差大,对作物和瓜果产量和质量的提高有利,雨量季节分布不均,降水变率大。

    Plentiful light and the great temperature difference are in favorable to the yield increase and the good quality of melons and fruits .

  29. 有利于增加地下水激发补给和地表水降水利用率,减少地下无效与有害蒸发;

    Benefits to increase underground water arousing supplies and the earth surface water rainfall utilizing ratio , decrease underground inefficient and harmful evaporation ;

  30. 渗水地膜覆盖具有显著的渗水、保水和提墒作用,各时期渗水地膜覆盖的水分状况优于普通地膜覆盖和露地,提高了旱地高粱自然降水利用率;

    The result has showed : 1 . The water-permeability plastic film mulching had obvious effect on water-permeability , preserving soil moisture and increasing soil moisture .