
  • 网络procerus;depressor supercilii;Depressor supercilii muscle;corrugator supercilii muscle
  1. 目的探讨皱眉肌、降眉肌、降眉间肌的形态与其运动神经&面神经颞支的关系,为临床内窥镜额部除皱术的术式改进提供实验和理论依据。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between corrugator supercilii , depressor supercilii , procerus and temporal branch of the facial nerve . To provide experimental and theoretical evidences for the improvement of modus operandi of clinical frontal rhytidectomy using by endoscope .

  2. 阐述了额肌、皱眉肌和降眉肌的眉毛动力机制,探讨了老年性外侧眉毛下垂主要由于外侧的滑动脂肪垫向下疝出所致。

    How frontalis , corrugator and procerus act on the eyebrows were discussed , and mechanism of lateral eyebrow ptosis was analyzed .

  3. 你的降眉肌没有动你做过隆鼻手术对吗

    Your procerus doesn 't move , which means you had your nose fixed , right ?

  4. 对颞支和颧支如何支配皱眉肌和降眉肌的情况没有详细的报道。

    There are no particular reports about how the temporal and the zygomatic branches supply the corrugator and the procerus muscles .