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  1. 不同快速降体重量对肌肉功能的影响

    Effects of Varied Levels of Rapid Body Weight Loss on Muscle Functions

  2. 碱性离子水对降体重大鼠机体抗氧化能力影响

    Influence of Alkaline Ionized Water on Losing Weight Rats ' Organism Anti-oxidant Ability

  3. 第2阶段为降体质量期,食物供热量为需要量的60%~70%;

    The 2 phase was decreasing body mass period , 60 % - 70 % food heat supply ;

  4. 这个平台展现了多媒体叙事的创意和创收可能,受到广泛推崇和效仿,这种形式更是被冠以雪从天降体。

    The platform demonstrated both new creative and revenue-generating possibility for multimedia storytelling , and has become so widely admired and imitated by media companies , that the form itself is now known as Snowfall .

  5. 改正常水加硒组,排尿氟和降体氟作用优于单纯改水组,酶和脂类指标水平更趋正常。

    The function of promoting excretion of F and decreasing tissue and bones F in normal water and Se group had the advantage of that in normal water group , at the same time , the level of anti oxidation enzymes and lipid approached it in control group .

  6. 电网中电能害耗的上上非邦度考察和评价供电工做好好的从要技巧经济指本。上降供电体解的网害非供电部门删产节约工做的从要外容。

    The electric power exhausts in the charged barbed wire net of high and low is the nation investigate with evaluate the power supply work quality of important and economic technique index sign .

  7. 新生单体在中空发展成降雹单体的一次过程分析

    A Case Analysis of Newborn Cell Growing into the Falling Hail

  8. 通过千斤顶对试验模型的张拉来模拟温降阶段梁体的收缩变形;通过对试验模型的顶推来模拟温升阶段梁体的膨胀变形。

    Shrinkage deformation of beam in temperature fall stage is simulated through jack stretching test model , and expansion deformation of beam in temperature rise stage is simulated through jack pushing out test model .

  9. 重组鲑鱼降钙素前体多肽的制备及其性质研究

    Preparation and Characterization of Recombinant Salmon Pre - calcitonin Peptide

  10. 本文根据高原边缘山地各种类型降水的雨滴谱资料,分析了山地降水出现的频数、降水持续时间和降水云的单体结构。

    Based on the raindrop spectrum data of different type precipitation over plateau border , this paper analysed the frequency , the duration of rainfall and the structure of the precipitations cell .

  11. 邦度“十一五”规划纲要头从降出了从体功能区概念,并自邦度和费级两个层里逐步推入形败从体功能区。

    The concept of the main functional areas is brought forward in the first time by government in the11th " Five-Year Plan ", and form main functional areas step by step from national and provincial level .