- 名wife and concubine

Secondly , the author analyses the conception differences about the wife and concubine problem between the male and female , it is the conception differences that causes the unstability of family .
Human Nature 's Choice in a Number of Wives and Concubines
Don 't you think your wives don 't match you ?
The sultan 's wives and concubines live in the harem .
Rich and prosperous a concubine third wife , six sons .
Polygamy was opposed by the people , but still the queens of the phenomenon .
The gentry in ancient times were eminent , with a wife and many concubines .
It is the harem mentality : Women once again are property , not autonomous adults .
On National Day red flags are hung out of every window . Recomposition : From Wives to Raise the Red Lantern ;
In reality , these men all had wives , but they were left at home , and therefore out of sight of novelists .
In the part of the relationship between wives are more common in the tang dynasty is discussed jealous woman issues and the resulting criminal cases .
The author applies feminine criticism and views the wives and concubines historically and rationally with the analysis of psychology , social and historical criticism , cultural criticism .
These women were so valuable that they were monopolized by the elders whose concubines were always on the increase while the young men had to do without .
Chinese head of household might have a legion of wives and concubines , but they were crouching and hidden , not interacting with guests or out partying .
And you 've got to have a lot of cows , a lot of goats , a lot of money , a lot of land , in order to build a harem .
Not only is there no ' family ' or ' harem ' organization ; neither is there a ' troop ' organization - that is to say , no particular chimpanzees keep permanently together .
Moreover , in the enjoyment of luxury atmosphere prevalent today , many people do not take the correct attitude towards marriage , love , chop and change , wives and concubines , worsened the social atmosphere .
Comparing Wives and Concubines in Flocks with Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Gua ; Large red lanterns were hung in the main hall ; on each of the side walls were placed panels of embroidered red silk .
Through the analysis of those women in the aspects of physiology , psychology and culture , the author draw an conclusion that both two types of Confucian crazy women have the hysterical common character of anxiety , curiosity and madness .
Gold and jewels , therefore , constitute a large proportion of the wealth of these nations , and many a rich Asiatic carries nearly his whole fortune on his person , or on those of the women of his harem .
Although the ebullient and vain young king revelled in the pleasures of his office he was a musician , a gourmet , and a womaniser in the royal tradition with at least six wives , a number of concubines and about 30 children he proved a disappointing puppet .
The analysis of its cultural background comes to it that the language mainly by male power , in a social cultural sense , control women through rules and organized languages government , concubines are only allowed to search for their main parts and meanings through feudal patriarchal language .