
  1. “社交媒体自恋狂”是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。

    Social media narcissist refers to people who 're curating social media images of themselves .

  2. 因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有的人,在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中终日闲逛,他成了一位自恋狂。一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。

    Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self , Narcissus avoided all company . He roamed the wooded little valleys every day , madly in love withhimself .

  3. 麦考比赞同巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)雄心勃勃推动美国医疗改革的努力。他称:只有高效的自恋狂才会尝试如此深远的变革。

    He wrote approvingly of Barack Obama 's ambitious attempt to reform US healthcare : Only a productive narcissist would attempt such profound change .

  4. 项目主持人说她是个自恋狂和骗子。

    Guy who runs it says she 's a narcissist and a liar .

  5. 知道了吧我早就告诉过你我嫁了个自恋狂。

    See , I told you . I 'm married to a narcissist .

  6. 是的,也许他们是自恋狂——但他们并非愚蠢之辈。

    Yes , they may be narcissists - but they aren 't clueless .

  7. 那个小自恋狂又把他的盖子打开了。

    That little egomaniac had flipped his lid .

  8. 我本来以为三年前,我们已经摆脱那个阴晴不定的病态自恋狂了。

    I thought we got rid of that pathologically ambivalent persist three years ago .

  9. 我不想让你认为我是个自恋狂,因为我不是的。

    I didn 't want you thinking I was conceited , because I 'm not .

  10. 要求自恋狂承认其自恋的事实,这似乎并不是件很神秘事情。

    Seems that there isn 't much mystery when narcissists themselves are asked to self-identify .

  11. 少数参与者承认他们是自恋狂,而大多数的人说他们不是。

    A small percentage of the study subjects said they were . Most said they were not .

  12. 一项新的研究发现:很多喜欢和前任成为朋友的人都是自恋狂和变态。

    A new study found that many people who befriend their former lovers are narcissists and psychopaths .

  13. 研究人员还向参与者解释了自恋狂的定义:任性的、以自我为中心的、以及自负的。

    The researchers also provided participants with a definition of narcissist : egotistical , self-focused and vain .

  14. 在自恋狂、自大狂或妄想狂的排行榜上,你肯定可以名列前茅。

    In the annals of the narcissistic , self-obsessed or delusional , you rank among the very greatest .

  15. 想知道某人是否是自恋狂?这里有个捷径:直接问他。

    Here 's an easy way to find out if someone is a narcissist . Just ask them .

  16. 其性格为大多数人所厌恶——当然,除了自恋狂的同类。

    Not traits most people would want to be associated with - unless of course you 're a narcissist .

  17. 我可以把一个讨厌无趣的社交控自恋狂改造成高贵优雅的窈窕淑女。

    I can transform this ... vapid ... despised social-media-obsessed narcissist into a valued and respected woman of stature .

  18. 一项新研究称,一个首席执行官的签名写得越大,他(她)是自恋狂的可能性越大。

    The bigger a CEO 's signature the more likely he or she is to be a narcissist , a new study claims .

  19. 在两千多人面前,研究人员提出这样的问题:“你在多大程度上同意这一观点:我是个自恋狂。”

    Researchers posed the following question to more than two thousand people : " To what extent do you agree with this statement : I am a narcissist . "

  20. 很多知名的领导者通常不会控制自我,很多世界级领导者容易被人描述为“自恋狂”,而事实也是如此。

    Any well-known and well-established leader usually doesn 't keep his or her own ego in check . Plenty of the world 's leaders can easily be described as narcissists , and rightly so .

  21. 这混蛋有自恋和妄想狂型人格紊乱。

    The unsub suffers from both narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders .

  22. 经过11轮测试,研究人员得出结论:当整个包含40个问题的临床调查问卷无法完成时,单项自恋级别,或者说SINS——“你在多大程度上同意这一观点:我是个自恋狂。”便是个有效的评估方法。

    After eleven rounds of tests , the researchers concluded that when the full forty-question clinical questionnaire could not be done , the Single Item Narcissism Scale , or SINS , " To what extent do you agree with this statement : I am a narcissist , " was a valuable tool .