
  1. 当我们袖手旁观的时候,自由解放的号角声遭到了嘲弄。

    Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by .

  2. 人的生命感受是指向人性的自由解放全面发展的,既然诗歌表达或诗意的表达律动性和人的生命感受律动性内在同构,那么,诗歌表达也是指向人性的自由解放和全面发展的。

    What poetry inherently expresses also aims to humanity emancipation and overall development .

  3. 人类的文明进程又在不断地促进这些自由解放和满足。

    The progress of human civilization gradually develops the freedom liberation and content .

  4. 马克思与人的自由解放

    Marx and Human Being 's Free Liberation

  5. 诗人政治家的实践虽然注定是失败的,但是萨特为了人的自由解放而做出的努力却是不朽的。

    Although poetical politician is destined to fail , but his efforts for liberate is immortal .

  6. 这些变化或迟或早总会带来一种自由解放的感觉,并驱使人们奔向新的目标。

    The change gives sooner or later a feeling of emancipation and an urge toward new goals .

  7. 初步的自由解放就是了解到你不是这个占有的东西,这个思想者。

    The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the possessing entity – the thinker .

  8. 1971年的今天,东巴基斯坦宣布脱离巴勒斯坦而独立,并组成孟加拉人民共和国。孟加拉自由解放战争打响。

    1971-East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form People 's Republic of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Liberation War begins .

  9. 或者,换句话说,社会主义应成为千百万人的自由解放工程。

    Or to put it differently , socialism has to be a liberatory and emancipatory project for tens of millions .

  10. 王宏江正是通过物象(花鸟)来体现对宇宙生命自由解放意境的追求。

    Through images ( flowers and birds ), Hongjiang Wang expresses pursuit of freedom and liberation of life in the universe .

  11. 是封建主义没落,资本主义萌芽时期人民争取自由解放的思想愿望在音乐美学领域的强烈反映。

    It represents the people 's strong desire for freedom during the end of feudal society and initial stage of capitalism .

  12. 从而在劳动、实践及人的本质确定性、人类自由解放问题上,提出了与马克思不同的见解。

    Thus in labor , practice and the essence of certainty , human freedom emancipation , puts forward and Marx different opinions .

  13. 实践批判理论的主体实践是能动性主导受动性的统一,充分体现人的主体向度,不断改变实践的方式,其目的是实现人类社会即人类自由解放的社会。

    The practice of practical animadvert theory embodies the unification between subject and object and subjective tropism and actualize human society through practice .

  14. 魏晋南北朝时期是一个思想极其自由解放的时代,而艺术的自觉在这个时期得到最充分的体现。

    The South and North Dynasty is an era full of free ideas , and art self-consciousness is thoroughly expressed in this era .

  15. 人类个体对自由解放和满足的不懈追求是人类社会不断进步的动力和原因。

    Human being 's constant pursuit of freedom liberation and content is the move and cause of the progress of the human society .

  16. 城市市民阶级的经济独立与自由解放,初步孕育塑造了近代民族国家的公民权利个体。

    More specifically , the economic independence and personal freedom of the burgher class helped to shape the citizenry of the modern nation state .

  17. 在这段隐士生活期间,蓝侬跟麦卡尼明显经历了一段自由解放、文思泉涌的美妙体验,因而在那里创作了一些经典佳作。

    It was obvious that during this retreat Lennon and McCartney experienced a surge of inspiration and liberation and wrote some of their best works there .

  18. 这也提示我们寻求一种更广泛的审美认同,来实现人的自由解放所追求的审美共通感。

    This also prompt us to seek a broader aesthetic identity , to achieve aesthetic common sense in pursuit of freedom and liberation of the people .

  19. 他确实积极的寻找人摆脱异化,走向自由解放的道路,但是没有找到实质性的办法,他走的道路带有乌托邦的色彩。

    He really actively look for people out of alienation , toward freedom liberation road and hard , but find no substantive way , he walked with utopia road .

  20. 因此,对于马克思而言,改变世界就是改变生产关系,通过改变生产关系从而实现人类的自由解放。

    As for Marx , changing the world is to change the relation of production , and only in this way wecan complete freedom and liberation of the human .

  21. 马克思历史观不是封闭的理论体系,而是开放的、不断进行自我批判的、追求人类自由解放的时代精神。

    The concept of history in Marx is not a closing system , but is the time spirit that it is opening , continuously self-criticism , and pursuing human liberation .

  22. 实行第一种方针,采取第一套办法,就一定得一个驱逐日本帝国主义、实现中国自由解放的前途。

    Pursue the first policy and adopt the first set of measures , and the perspective will definitely be the expulsion of Japanese imperialism and the attainment of China 's liberation .

  23. 审美精神是科学精神与道德精神的最终旨归,是一种至真至善至美、自由解放的精神境界,是人类梦寐以求的精神追求。

    Aesthetic spirit is the ultimate end of scientific spirit and moral spirit . It is the truest , purest , most virtuous , free , and liberal spirit compass and human 's long-cherished spirit pursuit .

  24. 马克思哲学作为现代西方哲学理论的主要代表,通过对传统哲学思维方式的批判和变革,真正实现了以人的自由解放作为哲学价值主题的哲学转向。

    As the main deputy of modern western philosophy , Marx 's philosophy realize a turning that making " the freedoms of people liberate " as the value themes of philosophy , by animadverting and changing the tradition thinking mode .

  25. 曼德拉还宣布,德克勒克总统是一个正直的人,在许多黑人的眼里,他也是一位合法的南非白人领袖,因此,依靠谈判改变政体,甚至达到自由解放都是可行的。

    But he also declared that President FW de Klerk was a man of integrity , legitimating the Afrikaner leader in the eyes of the black majority , and thereby validating negotiations with the regime as the route to liberation .

  26. 论文第二部分论述了马克思的全面发展思想,马克思主义人学把人的自由解放看作是人的自我实现的现实途径,而人的全面发展就是人的自我实现的社会目标。

    Paper discusses the second part of the overall development of Marxist ideas , Marxist anthropology to human freedom and liberation of people as a practical approach to self-realization , and is the all-round development of human self-realization of social goals .

  27. 将技术作为被控制的对象,有利于恢复文化与技术之间被破坏了的相互关系、缩短未来经济中的不确定性因素、响应人类未来命运的召唤、促进人的自由解放等。

    It is advantageous to rebuild the broken correlations between culture and technology , shorten the future indetermination factor in economy , respond to the vocation of mankind 's destiny in the future and promote the person 's freedom and liberation , etc.

  28. 对以《百年孤独》为代表的魔幻现实主义的接受,从文学创作角度说,是新时期中国文学主题的变迁深化,是文学表现方式的一次自由解放;

    In terms of literature , the acceptance of Magic-Realism in China , with " One Hundred Years of Solitude " as representative , is the transform of literary subject and the liberation of literary expressing way of Chinese literature in the new period .

  29. 以追求精神自由解放为核心的中国传统艺术精神,在诗词创作中很大程度上表现为意境的创造,以及创造意境的手法如“空白”,还有诗词的传释观念及特点。

    Taking the spiritual liberation as its core , the traditional Chinese artistic spirit finds its expression in the artistic conception of poetry , which is created by the way of " blank ", as well as in the ideas and features of interpretation .

  30. 之后,马克思对于人的问题进行了合理的、科学的解释,最终对人的自由解放做出了科学回答,从而马克思的人的自由和解放理论对于解决人的解放问题提供了理论依据。

    But Marx finally provided scientific answer to the liberation of human beings based on his rational and objective explanation of human nature . So Marx 's freedom and liberation theory has significant theoretical and practical meaning because it gives theoretical base to the issue of human liberation and freedom .