
  • 网络narcissistic personality
  1. 自恋型人格障碍可能会影响一个人的一生。

    A narcissistic personality disorder can consume a person 's life .

  2. 自恋型人格障碍的核心症状是自我中心。

    The core symptom of narcissistic personality disorder is ego centrism .

  3. 根据梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)的说法,有自恋型人格失调的人把自己想得极为重要,因而把自己捧上神坛,认为自己比其他人更有价值。

    According to the Mayo Clinic , people with a narcissistic personality disorder think so highly of themselves that they put themselves on a pedestal and value themselves more than they value others .

  4. 自恋型人格障碍诊断标准的演进与问题

    Progression and Problems of Diagnostic Criteria of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  5. 他有很严重的,我过去都没见过的自恋型人格紊乱。

    He has the worst narcissistic personality disorder I 've ever seen .

  6. 近年来越来越多的自恋型人格障碍案例被曝光。

    Numerous cases of narcissistic personality disorders have surfaced in the recent years .

  7. 我们认为那也是你自恋型人格障碍的诱因。

    Sheldon : It 's what we think caused your narcissistic personality disorder .

  8. 即我们通常所说的自恋型人格障碍。

    This is known as narcissistic personality disorder .

  9. 自恋型人格障碍的成因及其治疗

    The Etiology and Therapy of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  10. 自恋型人格障碍是现代社会中常见的人格障碍之一。

    Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the most familiar personality disorders in our modern society .

  11. 内外向因素与表演型、反社会型人格障碍以及自恋型人格障碍存在显著的正相关,与分裂样人格障碍存在显著的负相关。

    There were significant positive correlations between E factor and histrionic / antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder , and significant negative correlation and schizoid personality .

  12. 本文探讨了自恋型人格障碍的内涵,剖析了其形成的家庭因素,总结了多年来国外的治疗方法,这为减缓和消除自恋型人格障碍提供了依据,从而引发更进一步的研究。

    This paper discusses the connotations of narcissistic personality disorder , analyzes the familial factors which influence its formation , and summarizes its therapy abroad in recent years , which can provide reference for mitigating narcissistic personality disorder and developing further study .

  13. 该学会的诊断手册列举了一系列自恋型人格失调的特点,其中包括辨识他人感受和需求的能力受损、自大、感觉自己享有特权,以及过分努力地吸引关注。

    The association 's diagnostic manual lists a number of characteristics that describe narcissistic personality disorder , among them an impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others , grandiosity and feelings of entitlement , and excessive attempts to attract attention .

  14. 这混蛋有自恋和妄想狂型人格紊乱。

    The unsub suffers from both narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders .