
zì shā zhě
  • suicide;felo-de-se
  1. 我们发现了第三个自杀者rajallamba的医疗补助账单

    We found medicaid bills for rajal lamba - the third suicide .

  2. 他们也接受自杀者的头发。

    They took hair from someone who committed suicide .

  3. 克里斯:而现实就是自杀者要下地狱

    Chris : And the reality is suicides go to hell ?

  4. 他在给一位友人的信中提到了这座当时刚刚建成的新桥,称伏尔塔瓦河(VltavaRiver)的这一河段颇受自杀者欢迎:“从桥上走到观景楼,总比从这条河进入天堂要愉快得多。”

    He wrote to a friend about the then-new bridge , saying that this part of the Vltava River had been popular for suicide attempts : " It will always be more pleasant to walk across the bridge up to the Belvedere than through the river to Heaven . "

  5. 其次,自杀者形象能够反映社会以及历史的问题。

    Meanwhile , suicidal figures can reflect the problem of history .

  6. 典型的自杀者通常是中老年人或老年人。

    A typical suicide is a late middle-aged or elderly man .

  7. 自杀者亲友显示出抑郁发生的高频率倾向。

    The relatives show high frequency of the incidence of depression .

  8. 大多数自杀者在自杀前就站在这里。

    This is where most folks stand before taking their lives .

  9. 真正想自杀者占420%。

    42.0 % of attempted suicides really aimed to death .

  10. 作者对反复自杀者做了综合护理方面的初步探讨。

    The authors primarily discussed the synthetical nursing care of repated suicides .

  11. 自杀者的幽灵在那里出现。

    The ghosts of people who killed themselves appear there .

  12. 大多数自杀者有表明其意图的明确预兆。

    Most people who kill themselves give definite warnings of their intentions .

  13. 或是自杀者故意把自己锁在车里。

    Or suicides that lock themselves in on purpose .

  14. 自杀者通常都是把绳子的结系得较松,靠地心引力来完成的。

    Suiciders usually leave the knot loose , let gravity do the work .

  15. 66例完成自杀者的心理剖析

    A psychological autopsy study for 66 cases completed suicide

  16. 在对自杀者家属的态度上则完全相反;

    The attitude to family of suicides of students showed an opposite condition ;

  17. 她认为世界上最有名的自杀者是被残忍地杀害的。

    She believes the world 's most famous suicide victim was brutally murdered .

  18. 也用来描述一个自杀者自杀前一分钟的感觉

    and to describe how somebody feels the minute before they commit suicide .

  19. 都是自杀者的脸孔与身躯。

    Faces and bodies showing signs of suicide .

  20. 自杀者产生自杀行为,一般都由最初产生自杀意念开始。

    Suicide takes the suicidal actions , generally due to the initial suicide ideation .

  21. 自杀者中几乎四分之一是不满25岁的青少年。

    Almost a quarter of suicides are teenagers and young adults aged less than 25 .

  22. 目的用心理剖析的方法探讨完成自杀者的相关因素。

    Objective To find out some risk factors of completed suicide with psychological autopsy method .

  23. 约90%的自杀者都患有精神疾病。

    About 90 per cent of those who kill themselves also suffer from mental illness .

  24. 在众多的自杀者中,政治环境下的压迫作用最为明显。

    The political oppression played the main role among the many people who committed suicide .

  25. 其他自杀者也将原因归咎于工作压力。

    Others also blamed pressure at work .

  26. 我赞赏的只有两种类型的人:一种是隐性的疯子,一种是隐性的自杀者。

    I admire only two types of people : the potentially mad and the potential suicide .

  27. 此外还有自杀者。

    And there were the suicides .

  28. 不过,两国自杀者大多数都是中老年人。

    In both countries , though , most people who kill themselves are elderly or middle-aged men .

  29. 这起袭击造成至少7人死亡,其中包括自杀者及至少一位非洲联盟士兵。

    At least seven people were killed , including the bombers and at least one African Union soldier .

  30. 完全一样的表情通常自杀者都表现得极度痛苦而不会表现出羞愧

    Exactly the same expression.You know , agony is what we normally see in suicide victims.Shame is something else .