
  1. 介绍了Y7-200A飞机防冰除冰系统、自然结冰飞行试验所需气象专用设备和机场气象条件的选择以及自然结冰的飞行安全。

    This paper presents the anti icing and deicing system , special meteorological equipment and selection of airfield meteorological condition for natural icing flight test , and flight safety of natural icing flight test .

  2. 可供运输类飞机自然结冰飞行试验时参考。

    This paper can be used as a reference for natural icing flight test of transport aircraft .

  3. 大量的飞行事故是由于飞机积冰引起的,因此,飞机在自然结冰条件下飞行的安全问题逐渐成为航空界普遍关心的重要问题。

    Therefore , the flight safety of aircraft operating under natural icing conditions becomes a major concern in civil aviation industry .

  4. 根据直升机的自然结冰条件,研究了云层液态水含量、水珠平均有效直径和大气温度等要素对直升机结冰的影响;

    According to the natural icing condition of the helicopter , this paper researches the influence of some parameters on helicopter icing , such as the cloud liquid water content , the mean effective diameter of the cloud droplets , and the ambient air temperature etc.

  5. 本文基于固定网格采用焓方法对飞机机翼的融冰过程和方腔中含自然对流的结冰过程分别进行了数值模拟。

    In this paper , based on enthalpy method in fixed grids , a numerical simulation of melting process on airfoil and a numerical study of icing considering natural convection in a cavity is presented respectively .

  6. 试飞结果表明,带自然积冰的飞机性能比带模拟冰型的好,自然结冰试验与模拟冰型试验之间飞机操纵特性没有不可接受的差异,飞机飞行品质良好。

    Flight test results indicate that aircraft performance with natural ice is better than that with simulated ice shape , and that the differences of aircraft controllability between natural icing flight test and simulated ice shape flight test aren 't unacceptable .