
  • 网络Foie gras
  1. 我们拿掉肥鹅肝后很好吃。

    Pretty good once we took the foie gras off .

  2. 在开着的大壁炉里,厨师烤着牛排、羔羊排骨、小烤鸡肉串、肥鹅肝和鸭脯,美味四溢。

    At the huge open fireplace , the chef grills steaks , lamb chops , chicken brochettes , foie gras and duck breasts to absolute perfection .

  3. 由四季饭店提供的此种天价汉堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神户的牛肉、肥鹅肝、Portobello蘑菇以及韩国梨和炸薯条等。

    The $ 110 ( 57 pound ) hamburger offered by the Four Seasonss is made of Kobe beef with foie gras , Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears & served with french fries , of course .

  4. 套用一句广告语:自制肥鹅肝,绝对新时尚。

    Apply mechanically an ad saying : Abstain fat goose liver , absolutely new style .

  5. 恩尼斯把粉红色的肥鹅肝切成细细的一片片,并将其放入已在炉上加热的铸铁平底锅中。

    Ernest cut the block of foie gras into pink slices and put them in a blackened cast-iron pan that had been warming on the hob .

  6. 我是说,我们是不是应该--赞叹--“喔,俄式莫斯科鸭肉和法国肥鹅肝酱!看,他们还有酥炸软壳蟹!”

    I mean , should we be extolling every - " Oh , the Muscovy Duck and foie gras ! Oh , I see they 've got crisp soft-shelled crabs here ! "

  7. 研究了运用高效液相法检测鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中VA的方法。

    This is a method for determination of Vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC .

  8. 高效液相法测定鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中维生素A

    Determination of vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC

  9. 实验测定回收率为98.21%,鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱测定的变异系数分别为0.44%和1.14%。

    The recoveries for Vitamin A was 98.21 % and the coefficient of variation for determination of goose fat liver and goose liver catsup were 0.44 % and 1.14 % .