
féi měi
  • fertile;plump;rich;luxuriant
肥美 [féi měi]
  • (1) [fertile]∶肥沃的

  • 土地肥美

  • (2) [plump;luxuriant]∶肥壮的;丰满的

肥美[féi měi]
  1. 其结果是,毫无自卫能力的这群猪,给森林中饥饿而凶猛的肉食动物,送去了肥美鲜活的食物。

    As a result , the group of defenseless pigs , bring themselves to the hungered and ferocious carnivore just like fertile fresh food .

  2. “加拿大人说:”我是个父亲我儿子将成为农夫,因而我想让加拿大的土地永远肥美。

    " The Canadian said ," I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile .

  3. 新奥尔良的狂欢节季节大概开始于肥美星期二之前的两周。

    The Mardi Gras season begins about two weeks before Fat Tuesday .

  4. 海产品中肥美的梭子蟹、质鲜肉厚的大对虾驰名中外;

    Swimming crabs and prawns are the most famous of its sea products .

  5. 另一个叉子上则有小洋葱、红辣椒和肥美的蘑菇。

    Another skewer held tiny onions , fire peppers , and fat mushrooms .

  6. 它们要迁移到水草肥美的地方,还要在途中避免肉食动物的攻击。

    They migrate to find more food and water and to avoid predators .

  7. 肥美的毛虫是它们喜爱的食物之一。

    One of the things it likes to eat is nice , juicy caterpillars .

  8. 淋上美味的调制酱油,肥美而多汁的滑鸡肉山

    A mountain of plump and juicy steamed chicken in a delicious salty soy sauce gravy

  9. 埃及是肥美的母牛犊;但出于北方的牛来到她身上了。

    Egypt is a beautiful heifer ; a gadfly from the North has come on her .

  10. 亚设之地必出肥美的粮食,且出君王的美味。

    Out of Asher his bread shall be fat , and he shall yield royal dainties .

  11. 鱼类:肥美的鱼肉诸如鲑鱼、鳕鱼以及各种热带淡水鱼富含ω-3脂肪酸。

    Fish : Fatty fish like salmon , tilapia , and cod are rich in omega-3 fatty acids .

  12. 你将种子撒在地里,主必降雨在其上,并使地所出的粮肥美丰盛。

    Then shall he give the rain of thy seed , that thou shalt sow the ground withal ;

  13. 在肥美鲜嫩的青海特产湟鱼中佐以椒粉,则腥味顿除,鲜味倍增;

    Specialty in Qinghai Huang plump fresh fish served with pepper , then Dayton except smell , flavor doubling ;

  14. 埃及是肥美的母牛犊。但出于北方的毁灭(或作牛虻)来到了。

    Egypt is like a very fair heifer , but destruction cometh ; it cometh out of the north .

  15. 六十岁时的一天,他去市场买一些肥美的鳝鱼。

    One day when he was sixty , he went to the market to buy some nice fat eels .

  16. 今天,在阿拉巴马、佛罗里达州和路易斯安那部分地区,肥美的星期二是一个法定的节日。

    Today , Mardi Gras is a legal holiday in the states of Alabama , Florida and parts of Louisiana .

  17. 在这里,用这种高质猪肉制成的叉烧肥美可口,令人着迷。

    When that caliber of flesh meets this method of preparation , the results are a fatty , flavorful knockout .

  18. 取之不竭的宝库,是肥美的窝边草,操作系统起来得心应手,自觉天衣无缝。

    From the inexhaustible reservoir is beautiful side of the Waterloo , with the operating system easier , consciously flawless .

  19. 上任不到一年就离开一个肥美的管理层职位,虽然有风险,但常常也是必要之举。

    Leaving a plum management post less than a year after being hired is a risky , but often necessary move .

  20. 它在一个小水池边停了一下,然后猛的用两个爪子扎进水里,捕到了一条肥美的足有三英尺长的鲑鱼。

    It perches over a small pool , then lunges with both paws and comes up with a plump three-foot chum salmon .

  21. 又看那地土是肥美是瘠薄,其中有树木没有。

    And what the land is , whether it be fat or lean , whether there be wood therein , or not .

  22. 11[和合]以法莲是驯良的母牛20犊,喜爱踹谷,我却将轭加在他肥美的颈项上。

    [ NIV ] Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh ; so I will put a yoke on her fair neck .

  23. 将肉块,就是一切肥美的肉块,腿,和肩都聚在其中,拿美好的骨头把锅装满。

    Gather the pieces thereof into it , even every good piece , the thigh , and the shoulder ; fill it with the choice bones .

  24. 营地正在恢复生气,肥美的烤香肠在火堆上嘶嘶作响,滴着油汁,空气中充满蒜头和胡椒的香味。

    The camp was beginning to stir . Fat sausages sizzled and spit over firepits , spicing the air with the scents of garlic and pepper .

  25. 汨罗江两岸粉墙村舍,桃红柳绿,民风淳朴,水草肥美,具有典型的江南水乡风貌。

    Miluo Jiangliang An Fenqiang cottages , Taohong Liulv , honest folk customs , water plants Feimei , with the typical style of Jiangnan Water Village .

  26. 就向网献祭,向网烧香。因他由此得肥美的分,和富裕的食物。

    Therefore they sacrifice unto their net , and burn incense unto their drag ; because by them their portion is fat , and their meat plenteous .

  27. 我说,我怎样将你安置在儿女之中,赐给你美地,就是万国中肥美的产业。

    " I myself said ," 'How gladly would I treat you like sons and give you a desirable land , the most beautiful inheritance of any nation .

  28. 中秋节日餐桌上的食物都是应季的,最受人们喜爱的当属大闸蟹,在秋季时大闸蟹个头最大,蟹黄最为肥美。

    The food on the table is seasonal , and often the main attraction is hairy crabs , which are at their largest and richest with roe during autumn .

  29. 寻得肥美的草场地,又宽阔又平静。从前住那里的是含族的人。

    And they found fat pasture and good , and the land was wide , and quiet , and peaceable ; for they of Ham had dwelt there of old .

  30. 那荣美将残之花,就是在肥美谷山上的,必像夏令以前初熟的无花果。

    And the glorious beauty , which is on the head of the fat valley , shall be a fading flower , and as the hasty fruit before the summer ;