
shí yè
  • industry;industry and commerce
实业 [shí yè]
  • [industry] 指工商企业

  • 振兴实业

实业[shí yè]
  1. 来华基督教新教传教士实业活动初探

    The Initial Inquiry of activities of Industry and Commerce of the Protestant Missionaries Coming to China

  2. 张之洞实业和实业教育思想评述

    A Commentary on ZHANG Zhi dong 's Industry and Commerce as well as His Industrial Educational Thought

  3. 实业方面只谈到农业,而且只是匆匆带了一句。

    The only industry mentioned is agriculture and it is discussed in a cursory sentence .

  4. 最后,结合TH实业集团进行实例论证。

    The fifth part combines with TH Industrial Group to instance demonstrated .

  5. 本规范适用于深圳市XX实业有限公司内部员工的培训管理。

    Be applied to internal training management in the XX company .

  6. 亿图实业股份有限公司设计的数控系统中提供有配套的梯形图编程软件来设计或修正PLC程序。

    The NC system , designed by Hust Corporation , provides the necessary ladder diagram programming software to design or revise PLC program .

  7. 最后对惠州市兴勤实业有限公司进行RFID模型的应用。

    Finally , the model of RFID application to Xing Le Industrial Co. in Huizhou City was carried out .

  8. 这些玩具汽车是由旭日实业有限公司(EarlyLightIndustrial)生产的。旭日实业是美泰在中国的合同制造企业之一,它又将玩具零部件的涂漆工作转包给了另一家企业。

    The toy was produced by Early Light Industrial , one of Mattel 's contract manufacturing facilities in China , which subcontracted the painting of parts of the toy to another company .

  9. 据报道,美泰产品召回涉及的制造企业利达实业(leederindustrial)所有者已经自杀。

    The owner of the manufacturer involved in the Mattel recall , Lee Der industrial , was reported to have committed suicide .

  10. 此外,约有100位村民拥有村里主要控股公司&深圳渔丰实业股份公司(ShenzhenYuFengIndustrialDevelopmentCo)的股票。该公司在临近的东莞经营工厂。

    In addition , about 100 villagers own shares in the community 's main holding company , Shenzhen Yu Feng Industrial Development Co , which manages factories in neighbouring Dongguan .

  11. 6月6日,台湾音响电子制造商美律实业(MerryElectronics)在深圳的工厂举行了短暂罢工。

    These include a brief protest on June 6 at a Shenzhen factory belonging to Merry Electronics , a Taiwanese audio electronics-maker .

  12. 随着我国经济的全面开放和加入WTO,实业投资将成为外贸公司寻求继续发展的一种战略选择。

    With the all sided opening of economy in China and entry into WTO , Industry investment will be an strategic choice for the trade company to seek continuous development .

  13. 上海强翠实业有限公司也是我国业内最早通过ISO9000国际质量认证的企业。

    Shanghai Qiangcui Industry Co. , Ltd is also one of the companies that firstly got the ISO9000 .

  14. 西安银马实业发展有限公司依据聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料颗粒(EPS)混凝土的特点,研制成功聚苯混凝土保温砌模砌块成型机及全自动生产线。

    Polystyrene concrete thermal insulation block forming machine and the full automatic processing line were successfully researched and manufactured by Xi'an Yin Ma Industry Development Co.

  15. 中烟实业管理信息系统就是根据中烟实业发展中心的发展需要而量身定做的一套基于J2EE架构的管理信息系统。

    The informational management system for the China Tobacco is a designed system based on the J2EE structure according to the need of the development of the China Tobacco Enterprises .

  16. 像国内众多的企业一样,JH实业公司也同样面临着如何做好人才工作的严重挑战。

    Like many domestic enterprise , JH entity corporation has the same great challenge , how to well reserve talents .

  17. 在昨日召开的一个会议上,英国首相布莱尔(TonyBlair)向来自欧洲大陆的实业界领袖们表示,企业界未能进行有效的游说,以支持欧洲开放市场并进行经济改革。

    Business is failing to lobby effectively for open markets and economic reform in Europe , Tony Blair told a meeting of industry leaders from across the continent yesterday .

  18. 在向香港联合交易所(HongKongStockExchange)提交的文件中,长江实业表示将购买45架飞机,同时与日本的三菱商事株式会社(MitsubishiCorp)组建合资企业,并持有60%的股份。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Cheung Kong said it will buy 45 aircraft outright and buy a 60 % stake in joint venture with an arm of Japan 's Mitsubishi Corp.

  19. 在深圳上市的珠海中富实业股份有限公司(ZhuhaiZhongfuEnterprises,简称珠海中富)警告称,将无力偿还5月28日到期的5.9亿元人民币(合9500万美元)的债券。

    Shenzhen-listed Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises has warned it won 't be able to fully repay a 590m yuan ( $ 95m ) bond , which comes due on May 28 .

  20. 本文借鉴由COSO委员会提出的《内部控制&整体架构》报告,对企业实业投资活动进行内部控制评估与设计。

    This report , in term of COSO'report " Internal Control – System Construction ", givesevaluation and design of Industrial Investment Internal control .

  21. CANDO在中国设立的机构是:上海开恒实业有限公司。

    The name of sales branch in China is : CAN INDUSTRIAL INC.

  22. 简要介绍CCK型催化裂化进料喷嘴的雾化机理、性能特点以及在延炼实业集团公司400kt/a重油催化裂化装置上的工业应用情况。

    The atomizing mechanism and performance characteristics of a new CCK type feed nozzle and its application in a 400kt / a resid FCCU are briefly introduced .

  23. 其次,采取SWOT分析对公司的优势、劣势、机会与威胁进行了详细的研究,以此为基础提出了东华实业的发展战略构思。

    Secondly , it is studied in detail about the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of Donghua Industrial corporation with SWOT analysis method , and on it the conceiving of development strategy is provided .

  24. 在香港六家占主导地位的大企业中,有三家是由白手起家的大陆移民创办的,分别是:李嘉诚的长江实业(CheungKongHoldingsLtd.),新鸿基地产和周大福。

    Among the city 's six dominant conglomerates , three were started by boot-strapping mainland emigrants : Mr. Li 's Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. , HK - 1.43 % Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises .

  25. 2010年末,属于潘氏家族所有的江苏金升实业股份有限公司(JiangsuJinshengIndustry),买进了埃马克的一半股权,埃马克由此成为首家由一个德国家族和一个中国家族共同拥有的德国企业。

    In late 2010 , Jiangsu Jinsheng Industry , owned by the Pan family , bought a 50 per cent stake in Emag , creating the first German company to be owned jointly by a domestic and a Chinese family .

  26. EMBA的系统学习,促使我对本人全面负责的云南中翔实业有限公司的发展战略做了全面的回顾和深入的反思。

    The system study for EMBA prompted me made a comprehensive reviews and deep reflection for the development strategy of Yunnan Zhongxiang Industrial Co. , Ltd in my fully responsible .

  27. 红光实业股份有限公司在坚持全面质量管理的基础上,坚持按照ISO9000系列质量管理和质量保证标准建立和完善质保体系,取得了显著成效。

    This paper introduced the experience of Hongguang ltd. on the great progress that has been made by establishing and perfecting the quality assurance system based on the ISO9000 quality management and quality assurance standards .

  28. 本文结合已有的对外投资理论和内部控制理论及实际操作方法,从HT实业集团的实际出发,对其对外投资内部控制进行了较系统的分析和研究,特别是其典型投资内部控制的案例分析;

    Based on the actual situation of HT group , the author set off to do some systematize analysis and study in this dissertation , by using the theory of investment and the theory of internal-control .

  29. 当前,国内理论界和实业界都认识到RD项目的全程评估是十分重要的,但现实情况是,一方面,国内RD项目评估与绩效测度方法较欠缺,理论不健全;

    Presently , many domestic theorist and industrialist realize that the whole evaluation of R D project is very important , but , the practical instance is , on the one hand , local R D project evaluation and performance methodologies are absent , correlative theory is not comprehensive ;

  30. 因此,创科实业开始收购一些世界知名电动工具和地板护理企业,例如密尔沃基工具(MilwaukeeTools)、利优比(Ryobi)、康力(Homelite)和胡佛(Hoover)。它曾经是这些品牌的供货商。

    So TTI began acquiring some of the world-famous power-tool and floor-care clients it used to supply , such as Milwaukee Tools , Ryobi , Homelite and Hoover .