
  • 网络Real time;real-time recording
  1. 他们习惯了在Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体平台上实时记录他们的生活,因此也将他们信奉的自我表露原则一同带入了职场。

    Accustomed to documenting their lives in real time on social-media forums like Facebook and Twitter , they are bringing their embrace of self-disclosure into the office with them .

  2. 用MRTG实时记录多个网络设备的端口流量

    Record the Traffic Load on Network - links in Real Time with MRTG

  3. 基于PCIExpress总线和FPGA的SAR回波数据实时记录系统

    SAR echo data real-time recording system based on PCI express and FPGA

  4. 多通道CCD图像数据实时记录系统

    Multi-channel Image Data of CCD Real-time Record System

  5. 海事记录仪,又名船用黑匣子,即船载航行数据记录仪VDR(voyagedatarecorder),是一种自动采集并实时记录船舶航行状态数据信息的智能化设备。

    The Voyage Data Recorder , which is commonly known as the marine black box , is an intelligent device that automatically collects real-time status data of navigation information .

  6. 这款最新的免费升级软件包括许多新功能:高性能和嵌入式实时记录,混合DVR。

    The latest free software upgrades include many new features including high-performance and real-time recording on an embedded , hybrid DVR .

  7. 系统引入了通用串行总线(USB)技术,可实现脑电信号的实时记录、显示及远程监测;同时,系统也可将所采集数据通过压缩存储至CF卡。

    Universal Series Bus ( USB ) technology is used to realize the real-time recording , displaying and tele-monitoring of EEG signal , which can also be stored in CF card after compression .

  8. 该模块通过与RFT仪器的配接,可以实现测井信号的实时记录、采集、显示和打印功能。

    Conneted directly with RFT , it can complete signal realtime recording , acquisition , displaying and printing .

  9. 方法利用DVD手术数码记录系统,对腹腔镜手术中的动、静态图像进行实时记录,术后可作文字处理和方便地对动态、静态图像进行编、剪辑,数据同时进入该机的数据库。

    Methods The operative dynamic and static images of LC were recorded by real time OFR . The edition and management of the text and images were easily carried out .

  10. 船载航行数据记录仪,简称VDR,是一种专门用于实时记录船舶航行数据的仪器。

    Voyage Data Recorder ( VDR for short ) is a special instrument which could record the statement of the important equipments on the marine in real-time .

  11. 在低速实验中,应用激光片光源和CCD摄像系统,对一装有前端襟翼和前缘襟翼的双襟翼74°后掠三角翼进行实时记录与流态显示的试验技术和图像的三维重建。

    A recording system of laser sheet visualization comprising laser source and CCD camera was employed for the visualization and real time recording to investigate the flow past a highly swept delta wing equipped with apex flap and leading edge flaps .

  12. 我们对重为8g的微型悬臂梁,实时记录了梁振动的自由响应时间域信号,对其进行了动态特性计算机分析和实验研究。

    In our work , a cantilever beam weighted 8 grams is analysed and the information of free response recorded in real time is used .

  13. 介绍了采用VB软件实现回声测深仪的无纸化记录的设计方法,侧重阐述了实时记录界面和日后查询界面的设计,并给出了设计的流程图。

    It is introduced for the method of VB software based implementation of paperless recording design of echo sounder , the designs of real time recording interface and aftertime inquiring interface are described , and the flow chart of the designs are given .

  14. 方法8例AVNRT病人在射频消融前于高位右房(HRA)常规行程序电刺激诱发心动过速并实时记录。

    Methods Programmed electrical stimulation was performed in high right atrium ( HRA ) in 8 patients with AVNRT before ablation to induce tachycardia and electrocardiagraphic recording was done synchronically when AVNRT occured .

  15. 本装置的研制成功对提高配电网的安全性具有重要的科学意义和良好的应用前景,并能对以后10kV以上电压等级的过电压实时记录装置的研究取得一些经验。

    The successful develop of device can improve reliability of distribution , can bring some operating experience for realtime and automatic recording overvoltage in higher voltage level power system .

  16. VDR作为海上数字交通的具体内涵之一,是专门用来实时记录存储船舶航行数据、并能将数据回放的仪器设备。

    VDR , as one of connotations of the future " marine digital transport ", is a marine aid for recording the ship navigational data in real-time , which can be downloaded and replayed with special appliance or software .

  17. 液液传质界面扰动现象的全息实时记录

    Holographic Real-Time Record of Interfacial Turbulence Phenomena During Liquid-Liquid Mass Transfer

  18. 中国大陆科学钻探钻探子工程钻进实时记录网页的开发

    The Development of the Real Time Drilling Parameter Web Page for CCSD

  19. 同时,对所监控对象能够进行实时记录。

    Meanwhile , the object can have real-time monitoring records .

  20. 8098单片机生理信号实时记录系统

    A 8098 Single-Chip Microprocessor System for Real Time Record of Physiological Signals

  21. 事件实时记录与分析技术研究与实现

    Research and Realization on Recording and Analysis of Real-Time Event

  22. 基于局域网的音频实时记录和监听系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Lan-Based Real-Time Audio Recording and Monitoring System

  23. 嵌入式机载实时记录控制系统的设计

    Design of Embedded Airborne Realtime Record and Control System

  24. 模拟结果显示,在适当选择衰减系数后,模拟曲线与实验实时记录曲线匹配很好。

    The results showed great agreement between the simulated curves and experimental real-time traces .

  25. 系统具有事故追忆功能,能够实时记录火焰的燃烧情况和事故发生时间,以供分析查看。

    The system can record flame image that can be examined at any time .

  26. 底排弹动态参数实时记录方案探讨

    Base-bleed projectile dynamic parameters measuring scheme exploration

  27. 以谓词的形式实时记录设计全过程,为后续自动推理模块提供接口。

    Record the whole design process with predicts , supplying interfaces to automatic deduction module .

  28. 焊缝凝固裂纹的实时记录

    Realtime recording of weld solidification crack

  29. 车辆行迹记录仪能实现行驶车辆位置、时间信息实时记录。

    Vehicle tracing recorder can perform real time record of site and time of riding vehicles .

  30. 通过对溶液灭菌过程中时间、温度、压力的实时记录及观察分析,改进并确定了大容量溶液灭菌的曲线。

    The data of temperature and pressure in the sterilization process were recorded and analyzed comparably .