
  1. 并可以应用DEA等方法对知识管理系统进行分析、评价,为企业的知识管理提供了一定的理论基础和实施准则。

    And the DEA method is used to analyze and evaluate the systems of management . These viewpoints provide theoretic foundation and implementing criteria for knowledge management of enterprises .

  2. 关于节水技术措施实施准则的初步探讨

    Preliminary Approach of Implementation Criteria for Saving Water Technology

  3. 放射性矿物采矿和选矿辐射防护实施准则

    Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores

  4. 因此,该文件就如何在不同类型的卫生设施中实施准则确定优先次序提出了建议。

    The document therefore provides advice about how to prioritize implementation in different types of health facilities .

  5. 准则执行机制不仅仅是实施准则的工具,它也对准则的制订产生影响。

    Mechanisms for the implementation of guidelines is not only a tool for implementation of the guidelines , it also have an impact on the formulation of guidelines .

  6. 创造性思维的自组织理论与体育教学中的创新教育创造教育原则是根据创造教育目的要求提出的创造教育实施准则,其核心思想就是通过创造教育促进学生创造力的开发和培养。

    The Self-Organization Theory of Creative Thinking and The Creative Education in Teaching of Physical Education The principles of the creative education are formulated in accordance with its goals and requirements so as to stimulate and develop learners ' creativity .

  7. 容积率作为城市规划的控制手段在软件园开发项目中起着至关重要的作用,然而到目前为止却还没有形成明确的决策机制和实施准则。

    This paper mainly discusses the contact of the Software Park and Urban Development , the floor area ratio as an important measure of the Software Park Development Project , but so far there is no clear-making mechanisms and guidelines for implementation .

  8. 2011年7月,有关方面就《南海各方行为宣言》的实施准则达成共识,承诺将在海洋保护和科研、海上搜救、以及打击海上跨国犯罪等方面进行合作。

    In July 2011 , relevant parties reached an agreement on the guidelines of implementation of the doc ( the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea ) , vowing to cooperate in maritime protection , search and rescue , as well as transnational crime busting .

  9. BA系统检测的方法实施与准则

    The method and criterion of BA system diagnosis and its implementation

  10. fsa正在实施薪酬准则,确保银行业薪酬不会再次引发失控的过度风险。

    The FSA is implementing remuneration principles that will ensure banking pay can never again lead to excessive and unmanaged risk .

  11. 实施环境准则:外交和司法途径

    Enforcing Environmental Norms : Diplomatic and Judicial Approaches

  12. 也就是说,企业要有管治权利来强制实施这些准则。

    That is , the enterprise needs to have governance with authority to enforce the principles .

  13. 中国民族经济政策,是指导和影响我国少数民族和民族地区经济活动所规定并付诸实施的准则和措施,是宏观调控的手段。

    China national economic policy is a criterion and implement of directing and influencing the economic activities of minority nations .

  14. 如果不同国家和地区用不同方法制定和实施会计准则,那么最终可能会使编制统一准则的计划以失败收场。

    That could ultimately undermine a single set of standards if countries and regions take different approaches to formulating and applying the rules .

  15. 公司规章、政策和指导原则对它们作出了规定,所有员工在日常工作中都要实施这些准则。

    Laid down in company directives , policies and guidelines , they are intended to be put into practice by all employees on a daily basis .

  16. 本文结合新的企业会计准则的相关内容,分析了实施新准则后将对银行会计报表、会计信息披露、银行风险管理及衍生金融工具的规范化发展等方面产生的影响。

    The paper expounds how the new accounting rules will influence banks in terms of accounting reports , release of accounting information , risk management and derived financial tools .

  17. 已执行新准则的上市公司有效平稳的完成了新旧会计准则接轨,为我国企业全面实施新准则打开了局面。

    The new guidelines have been implemented effectively and smoothly by listed companies . The convergence from the old and new accounting standards is effectively in the listed companies .

  18. 同时,加强会计人员培训力度,为实施新准则提供人才支持,让更多会计人员熟悉、掌握新所得税会计准则的思想和方法,这是推行新所得税会计准则的现实要求。

    Accordingly , we need strengthen training on accounting personnel to provide talent support for new standards , which is the realistic demand to carry out new income tax accounting standards .

  19. 文章认为,顺利实施该准则,需要上与《会计法》协调,下与企业会计制度接轨,同时规范准则与财政税务的关系;

    The paper concludes that the smooth execution of the principle depends on the coordination of the principle with the Law of Accounting in particular , and with enterprises ' systems in general .

  20. 提出一种基于ARMA模型的心电信号(ECG)分类法,包括:ARMA建模,特征白化,利用白化后的ARMA系数和ECGRR间期比实施基于Fisher准则的分类。

    An ARMA model based ECG classification method was proposed , including ARMA modeling , ARMA coefficients and RR intervals processed by white process and classification based on Fisher 's criterion .

  21. 施工企业实施新会计准则的几点思考

    Thoughts on the implementation of new accounting standards in construction enterprises

  22. 实施认可新准则加强实验室规范化管理

    Ways to National Laboratory Management Standardization from the New Criteria for Laboratory Accreditation

  23. 实施订正伦敦准则特设专家工作组

    Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on the Implementation of the Amended London Guidelines

  24. 实施企业会计准则推动市场经济发展

    The Enforcement of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises will Promote the Development of Market Economy

  25. 标准指导原则、工作指令、建议评价标准与实施效果评价准则。

    Standardized guidelines , work instructions , proposal evaluation criteria , and performance measurement criteria .

  26. 实施新会计准则后,我国上市公司会计盈余的稳健性有所降低。

    After the implementation of the new accounting standards , the conservatism of accounting earnings reduced .

  27. 税法原则是指导税法的创制和实施的根本准则。

    The principles of taxation law are the guidelines for making and implementing the taxation law .

  28. 上市公司实施新会计准则效果的实证检验

    An Empirical Testing on the Effect of the Implementation of the New Accounting Standards for Listed Companies

  29. 卫生人员移徙政策倡议还帮助世界卫生组织制订、谈判和实施国际执业准则草案。

    HWMI also supports the WHO in development , negotiation and implementation of the draft code of practice .

  30. 理论和实证研究表明,会计准则的实施远比准则本身更重要。

    The theory and empirical studies show that the implementation of accounting standards is more important than standards themselves .