- Real;living;on the level;literal;down-to-earth;in the name of goodness

(1) [literal]∶真实的,不夸张的
(2) [living]∶现实存在的
A little apple , one kind of down-to-earth happiness .
It wasn 't a ghost ; it was a real person .
She offered me practical assistance with my research .
Turning that vision into a practical reality is not easy .
Customers know that our stocktake sales offer genuine markdowns across the store .
I 've always felt that solid experience would stand me in good stead .
I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help .
Michael Fish is my favourite . He 's a hoot , a real character .
Envy is not just a deadly sin , it is also an emotional reality .
Because they 're literally rooted into the ground , they are unable to leave and go elsewhere .
The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers , or graders , to first grade 100 essays or essay questions .
One of the prizes used was a lottery ticket , with a S10 , $ 50 or $ 100 payout , and this was as effective as a tangible gift in persuading people to eat less .
China is still a developing country in every sense of this term .
First , make sure you ground yourself in actual communities with real people — working whenever you can at the grass-roots level .
Web services technologies are designed to add specific interoperability and flexibility benefits to integration points .
Delta x , delta y and delta z are actual numbers , and this becomes a number .
The most appealing aspect of the Web application distribution model is the ability to turn software into a subscription-oriented service , which is a true win-win proposition .
This really illustrates the magic that is ORM .
But shareholders are more likely to trust a CEO that can explain , with real data , how that action will help the business gain an edge over competitors .
In other words , we believe that investors should start to prepare for more positive surprises related to the quarterly run rate of iPhones in the near - to mid-term .
Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .
By taking Inner Mongolia as an example and by using SPSS statistics software to analyze the questionnaire results , the conclusion is arrived at in order to provide policy consultation for western development .
IMF staff need to roll up their sleeves , undertake thorough analysis and put forward their judgments . Without meaningful exchange rate surveillance , governance and management , reform will ring hollow , he said .
We believe the threats to our transportation system are real , said Henry Schwartz , past president and chairman of the engineering company Sverdrup / Jacobs Civil , and chairman of the committee that wrote the report .
EU and Group of Seven finance ministers are preparing and implementing measures that demonstrate real economic consequences to Russia , while doing so in a balanced and proportionate manner .
I hope this design could help XN Company to solve its problems and to enhance the core frivolousness ability in the fierce market competition .
Adoption and revenue growth rates at a few top players like spotify and Pandora are real Pandora ( P ) reported earnings yesterday , breaking even but what are the costs to play ?
With Congress again beginning to stir to legislative action on China , Alan Holmer , the US special envoy to the talks , says the US will seek to show some " tangible results " this week .
The best he can say - echoing Jawaharlal Nehru 's speech at independence in 1947 - is that life for Indians will improve at an acceptable speed " not wholly , but very substantially . "
Alida Vracic , who runs Populari , a think-tank , believes that the key is to show Bosnians that there are real benefits from EU integration .