
shí shí zài zài
  • Real;living;on the level;literal;down-to-earth;in the name of goodness
实实在在 [shí shí zài zài]
  • (1) [literal]∶真实的,不夸张的

  • 实实在在的含义

  • (2) [living]∶现实存在的

  • 他们的生活就像一场实实在在的恶梦

实实在在[shí shí zài zài]
  1. 一个小小的苹果,一种实实在在的幸福。

    A little apple , one kind of down-to-earth happiness .

  2. 那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。

    It wasn 't a ghost ; it was a real person .

  3. 她给我的研究提供了实实在在的援助。

    She offered me practical assistance with my research .

  4. 把那种设想转化为实实在在的现实并非易事。

    Turning that vision into a practical reality is not easy .

  5. 顾客们知道我们的清仓大甩卖是实实在在的全场降价。

    Customers know that our stocktake sales offer genuine markdowns across the store .

  6. 我总觉得实实在在的经历会对我有利的。

    I 've always felt that solid experience would stand me in good stead .

  7. 凯茜·戴维斯实实在在地帮了大忙,我想对她表示感谢。

    I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help .

  8. 我最喜欢迈克尔·菲什。他滑稽逗趣,是个实实在在的人物。

    Michael Fish is my favourite . He 's a hoot , a real character .

  9. 嫉妒不单是一种致命的原罪,还是一种实实在在的感情。

    Envy is not just a deadly sin , it is also an emotional reality .

  10. 因为树就是实实在在地植根于土地之中的,不能离开去其他地方。

    Because they 're literally rooted into the ground , they are unable to leave and go elsewhere .

  11. EDX评估工具需要实实在在的老师或评分者首先评判100份短文或问答题。

    The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers , or graders , to first grade 100 essays or essay questions .

  12. 其中可以使用的奖品之一是彩票,奖金有10美元、50美元或100美元不等,在劝说人们少吃点这一问题上,这和那些实实在在的礼物一样有效。

    One of the prizes used was a lottery ticket , with a S10 , $ 50 or $ 100 payout , and this was as effective as a tangible gift in persuading people to eat less .

  13. 中国是实实在在的发展中国家。

    China is still a developing country in every sense of this term .

  14. 第一,只要能在基层工作,就一定要让自己接触真正的大众、融入实实在在的社群。

    First , make sure you ground yourself in actual communities with real people — working whenever you can at the grass-roots level .

  15. Web服务技术的设计意图是实实在在地改善集成点的互操作性和灵活性。

    Web services technologies are designed to add specific interoperability and flexibility benefits to integration points .

  16. △x,△y△z,都是实实在在的数量,这当然也是数量了。

    Delta x , delta y and delta z are actual numbers , and this becomes a number .

  17. Web应用程序发布模型的一个最为吸引人的地方是将软件转变为一种面向订阅的服务,这是一种实实在在的双赢。

    The most appealing aspect of the Web application distribution model is the ability to turn software into a subscription-oriented service , which is a true win-win proposition .

  18. 这实实在在地体现了ORM的魔力。

    This really illustrates the magic that is ORM .

  19. 但是,如果这位CEO能用实实在在的数据说明这一举措将有助于公司在竞争中取得优势,他将更容易赢得股东的信任。

    But shareholders are more likely to trust a CEO that can explain , with real data , how that action will help the business gain an edge over competitors .

  20. 换句话说,我们相信在中短期内,iPhone季度销量有望给投资者带来更多实实在在的惊喜。

    In other words , we believe that investors should start to prepare for more positive surprises related to the quarterly run rate of iPhones in the near - to mid-term .

  21. Car的设计能够最大程度地减少你可能面临的交通拥堵费、过路费和停车罚款,这是因为,尽管它实实在在地存在于道路上,但它的官方注册地是一个加勒比海小岛,这使得Car拥有外交豁免权。

    Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .

  22. 以内蒙古地区为例基于对这些问题的问卷调查结果,运用SPSS统计软件进行详细分析,得出了一些实实在在的结论,以期能为有关部门进一步推进西部大开发战略提供政策依据。

    By taking Inner Mongolia as an example and by using SPSS statistics software to analyze the questionnaire results , the conclusion is arrived at in order to provide policy consultation for western development .

  23. 他表示:IMF职员需要挽起袖子,深入分析,拿出判断。如果没有实实在在的汇率监督、治理和管理,改革就是一句空话。

    IMF staff need to roll up their sleeves , undertake thorough analysis and put forward their judgments . Without meaningful exchange rate surveillance , governance and management , reform will ring hollow , he said .

  24. 工程公司Sverdrup/JacobsCivil前任董事长兼总裁、撰写该报告的国家研究委员会主席亨利•施瓦兹(HenrySchwartz)表示:我们相信,我们交通体系面临的威胁是实实在在的。

    We believe the threats to our transportation system are real , said Henry Schwartz , past president and chairman of the engineering company Sverdrup / Jacobs Civil , and chairman of the committee that wrote the report .

  25. 欧盟和七国集团(G7)的财长们正以一种平衡而适当的方式来筹备和实施一些措施,让俄罗斯明白实实在在的经济后果。

    EU and Group of Seven finance ministers are preparing and implementing measures that demonstrate real economic consequences to Russia , while doing so in a balanced and proportionate manner .

  26. 本文希望能通过这份设计帮助XN公司解决一些实实在在的问题,使其能在激烈的市场竞争中不断地提高核心竞争力。

    I hope this design could help XN Company to solve its problems and to enhance the core frivolousness ability in the fierce market competition .

  27. 对这个圈子里的少数几家顶级企业如流媒体音乐服务提供商Spotify和Pandora来说,用户使用率和收入增长率是实实在在的,比如日前Pandora的财报就声称已经实现了收支平衡。

    Adoption and revenue growth rates at a few top players like spotify and Pandora are real Pandora ( P ) reported earnings yesterday , breaking even but what are the costs to play ?

  28. 由于美国国会再次开始鼓噪对华采取立法行动,此次对话的美国特使艾伦霍尔姆(alanholmer)表示,美国将寻求在本周展示一些“实实在在的成果”。

    With Congress again beginning to stir to legislative action on China , Alan Holmer , the US special envoy to the talks , says the US will seek to show some " tangible results " this week .

  29. 他能够说出的最好评价呼应了贾瓦哈拉尔•尼赫鲁(JawaharlalNehru)在1947年发表的独立演讲——印度人的生活将以可接受的速度“不完全、但实实在在地”改善。

    The best he can say - echoing Jawaharlal Nehru 's speech at independence in 1947 - is that life for Indians will improve at an acceptable speed " not wholly , but very substantially . "

  30. 智囊机构populari的管理人AlidaVracic认为关键是要表明,波黑民众可从欧盟一体化中获取实实在在的利益。

    Alida Vracic , who runs Populari , a think-tank , believes that the key is to show Bosnians that there are real benefits from EU integration .