
yào qián
  • Ask for money;charge
要钱 [yào qián]
  • [charge] 要求付款

  • 他对这个根本不要钱

要钱[yào qián]
  1. 于是这个怪人就走上前来要钱。

    So this individual came up and demanded money .

  2. 他们不敢再要钱了。

    They daren 't ask for any more money .

  3. 他要买新衣服时是不是总找你要钱?

    Does he always hit you up for cash when he wants new clothes ?

  4. 我知道他烦透了那些缠着他要钱的人。

    I know he gets fed up with people pestering him for money .

  5. 他一辈子都在抱怨失去的机会,并一直伸手向自己的父亲要钱。

    He spent his life grumbling about missed opportunities and sponging on his father for money .

  6. 他负债累累,急需要钱,很显然什么话都说得出来。

    He is so deep in debt and desperate for money that he 's apparently willing to say anything

  7. “你想要什么,罗伊?要钱的话,那你别指望了。”

    ' What do you want , Roy ? If it 's money , you 're out of luck . '

  8. 孩子蘑菇着向母亲要钱。

    The child pestered his mother for money .

  9. 向别人讨饭要钱的人叫做乞丐。

    People who go begging for money or food are called beggars .

  10. 他爸对他要钱的请求给了明确的拒绝。

    His father gave him a clear no to his request for money .

  11. 要是讨债人来向你要钱,你怎么办?

    What will you do if the debt collector comes down on you ?

  12. 她拍电报给家里要钱。

    She wired home for money .

  13. 如果你看懂字里行间的意思,你就会知道,这封信实际上是要钱。

    If you read between the lines , you will find out the letter is really a request for money .

  14. 史密斯女士拒绝了汤姆要钱的请求。

    When Tom asked for money , Ms. Smith refused .

  15. 我不是在向父母要钱。

    I am not asking my parents for money .

  16. 肯:是的。顺便问一下,你怎么买礼物?你会向你父母要钱吗?

    Ken : Yeah . By the way , how will you buy the gift ? Will you ask your parents for money ?

  17. 所有的孩子突然伸出手来要钱。

    All the children shot out their hands for the money .

  18. 他要钱,我给了他一些。

    He asked for money and I gave him some .

  19. 低声下气地向我的前任要钱简直是令人尴尬和恼火。

    Groveling for dollars from my ex was nothing short of embarrassing and infuriating .

  20. 我清楚地记得,高中时我一直痛恨的一件事情就是向父母要钱。

    The one thing I vividly remembered hating in high school was asking for money .

  21. 父亲:儿子呀,你不觉得你已经长大了,不应该再这样1角1角地要钱了,不是吗?

    Father : Son , don 't you think you 're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes2 ?

  22. 她的丈夫说:“哦,我给你举个例子,通过比较来说明吧。我认为两种税的区别就像两种情况的区别:一种是向我要钱,另一种是暗中从我的口袋里拿钱。”

    Her husband said : " Well , I 'll give you an example to illustrate2 it by comparison . I consider it 's just the same as the difference between two situations : asking me for money and secretly taking out money from my pockets . "

  23. 他要钱总是求助于他的朋友。vt.擦;

    He always resorted to asking his friends for money .

  24. 一年前,Tango决定不再卖贴纸了,因为向用户要钱总会带来很多摩擦。

    A year ago , Tango decided not to sell stickers , because asking users for money creates too much friction , he says .

  25. 新一季的制作人斯蒂芬·莫劳瑞告诉媒体THR,上一季结束时拉杰说不会再问家里要钱,会独立自主,在新一季开始后,他会因此自信不少。

    New showrunner Steve Holland told THR at the start of this season that Raj 's decision last season to give up his family 's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence .

  26. 该老师与学生的QQ聊天截图被上传到各大社交媒体,截图中提到,该教师称自己羞于启齿向父母开口要钱,只好向学生进行求助,希望他们慷慨解囊,帮自己一把,添置一辆新车。

    Screenshots from the instant messaging app were instantly shared on social networks , showing the teacher explaining that he was too ashamed to ask for money from his parents , so he hoped his students could do him a favor by helping him out with some money towards a new set of wheels .

  27. 他向詹姆斯要钱?他一定是非常需要!

    He asked James for money ? He must be desperate !

  28. 他们到这儿来,不是要钱,而是要命。

    They came here not for money but for the life .

  29. 得伸手要钱是如此地丢脸。

    It is so degrading to have to ask for money .

  30. 因为她妹妹老是要钱。

    She felt angry because her sister always asked for money .