
  • 网络bolometric correction
  1. 由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等m(bol)以及有效温度Te。

    Prom the results of the near infrared photometry , the bolometric corrections in the K band , the apparent bolometric magnitudes and the effective temperatures can be estimated .

  2. 由湍流激发的湍流磁场,作为一个非理想效应对太阳热结构的改正是从MHD方程组推导出来,它的形式是ReynoldsStress张量和磁扰动张量的贡献。

    The turbulent magnetic fields which is generated by the turbulence is derived from the magnetohydrodynamics equations . It 's form is the contribution of the Reynolds stress tensor and magnetic fluctuating tensor .