
  • 网络Thermal flow meter;FCI;R-FT;DELTA-M
  1. 一种结合温差式和风速计式的新结构MEMS热式流量计

    A New Structure MEMS Thermal Flow Sensor Combining Two Principles

  2. 将分流量热式流量计直接安装单缸四冲程SD1110发动机进气道上进行试验,监测到此时流量计的输出波形。

    Taking an experiment on the single-cylinder four-stroke engine SD1110 connected with the partial flow thermal gas meter directly , and monitoring the output waveform on the real time .

  3. 恒温型热式流量计加热探头与被测介质之间交换的热量不仅与质量流量有关还与被测介质的温度有关。

    The heat exchanged between the probe of constant temperature thermal flowmeter and the flow correlates not only with the mass flux but also with the flow temperature .

  4. 为简单起见,本文作者将整个分支管测流结构加上其后的信号输出处理装置称为分流量热式流量计。

    For simplicity , the above designed structure model and the apparatus that process its signal output was named as partial flow thermal gas meter in this paper .

  5. 对标准孔板节流装置进行改进,最终设计出Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种开孔直径的节流装置,及其相应的Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种量程的分流量热式流量计。

    Ultimately , two kinds of partial flow thermal gas meters and the corresponding two throttling devices with different diameters , I and II type , are designed in this paper .

  6. 设计了一套热式流量计的标定试验台,用标准流量计法,对热式流量计进行标定。

    In order to calibrate the thermal mass air flow meter by the method of standard flow meter , this paper designs a suit of thermal flow meter 's calibration test-bed .

  7. 在流体比热容,含水量等性质发生变化时,传统的热式流量计会产生单点测量偏差,有兼容性和通用性较差问题存在。

    In the fluid heat capacity , water content and other properties change , the traditional heat flow meter will have a single point of measurement error , there is less compatibility and interoperability problems .

  8. 将设计出的两种分流量热式流量计进行试验校核,其输出特性与分支管上微桥热式流量计的输出特性基本相同,具有线性输出,而且输出不受温度、压力的影响。

    The paper presents an experimental study of the two kinds of partial flow thermal gas meter , the results show that the partial flow meter has the same output and temperature characteristics with the small thermal meter installed on the branch .

  9. 基于PSpice的热式空气流量计发热电阻模型

    PSpice-based thermal resistance modeling for thermal atmosphere flowmeters

  10. 应用EPI热式质量流量计系统测试半封闭式螺杆制冷压缩机的排气量的研究

    Study for Test Compressor 's Let Gas Volume by The Insertion Style Flowmeter of EPI

  11. FCI公司的热式质量流量计的特点及应用

    The Features and Application of the Thermal Mass Flowmeter From FCI Company

  12. 应用热式质量流量计直接测量气体质量流量。

    Applying thermal mass flowmeter to measure gas mass flow directly .

  13. 热式质量流量计特性曲线及其拟合方法的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Thermal Mass Flow Meter and Its Curve Fitting

  14. 旋风式分流除尘器的研究分流量热式气体流量计的研制

    On the Newly-Developed Flow-Divided Cyclone The Manufacture of Partial Flow Heated Gas Meter

  15. 新一代热式质量流量计

    The New Generation of Thermal Mass Flow meter

  16. 本文介绍了热式质量流量计的测量原理及恒流式、恒温差式两种测量方法。

    In this paper , the principle and methods of thermal mass flowmeter are introduced .

  17. 热式质量流量计测量电路设计

    Measurement Circuit Design of Thermal Mass Flowmeter

  18. 恒电压式热式质量流量计的研究

    Study on Constant Voltage Mass Flowmeter

  19. 通过对比,最终选定微桥热式质量流量计作为分支管上的流量计。

    In the end , the author selected one kind of micro-bridge thermal mass airflow meter on the side branch by comparison .

  20. 根据热式气体流量计的基本原理,混合气体的组分以及温度改变都会导致流量计输出信号的变化,造成较大的测量误差。

    According to the principle of the TMF , the component and temperature variations of gas mixtures change the output of TMF , and bring large error .

  21. 介绍了一种量热式质量流量计的原理,并较详细地说明了用于氟化氢质量流量测量流量计的结构、测试与应用。

    A calorimeter-type mass flowmeter is proposed in this paper . The working principle , structure , and applications of an HF mass flowmeter is presented in detail .

  22. 论文从研制超高速鱼雷的实际需要出发,提出了多路气体流量控制系统技术方案:利用热式质量流量计测量气体流量,以单片机为核心控制器,构成基于模糊控制的多路气体流量控制系统。

    First , the thesis gave out the technical scheme of the multiplex gas flow-rate control system : to measure the gas flow-rate with thermal mass flow-meter , using single chip CPU as main controller to structure the system based on fuzzy control .

  23. FCI热扩散式质量流量计在电站锅炉中的应用

    The Application of FCI Quality Flow Meter of Heat Diffusion Type to Boilers in Power Plants

  24. 基于微硅片的新型车用热膜式空气流量计

    New Automotive Thermal Air Flow Meter Based on Micro , silicon

  25. 大管径热式气体质量流量计在烧结生产中的应用

    Inserted Gas Mass Flow Meter for Large Diameter Pipeline

  26. 铂膜电阻型热式气体质量流量计的研制

    Development of Pt Film-Resistor Thermal Mass Flowmeters for Gases

  27. 本文主要介绍了大管径插入式热式气体质量流量计的特点、工作原理及安装和使用。

    The characteristics of gas mass meter for large diameter pipeline are introduced .

  28. 热式气体质量流量计用于管道煤气计量的研究

    Study on Application of Thermal Type Gas Mass Flow-meter For Pipe-Line Coal Gas Metering

  29. 热式气体质量流量计原理分析及其应用

    Principle analysis and application of thermal mass flowmeter

  30. 智能热式气体质量流量计的研制

    Development of Intelligent Thermal Gas Mass Flow meter