
  • 网络Thermistor;PTC;NTC;NTC Thermistor
  1. 负温度系数热敏电阻器B值测量仪的设计

    Design of B Value Measuring Meter for NTC Transducer

  2. 敏正电子的NTC热敏电阻器系由特殊配置的金属氧化物陶瓷材料制成,它可用来抑制高的突波电流。

    Shanghai mec electronic NTC Thermistor devices are made of a specially formulated metal oxide ceramic material which is capable of suppressing high inrush current surges .

  3. PTC热敏电阻器电流冲击特性测试系统

    Measuring system for alternating current impulse characteristics of PTC thermistor

  4. PTC热敏电阻器在化油器上的应用及特性

    Application of PTC Thermal Resistor on Carburettor and Its Features

  5. PTC(Positivetemperaturecoefficient)热敏电阻器的失效率随确定的PTC材料的居里点Tc升高而增加。

    The failure rate of PTC ( Positive Temperature Coefficient ) thermistor increases with Curie Point ( T_c ) of determined PTC material .

  6. PTC热敏电阻器加热片的老化过程

    The Aging Process of Heating Plate of PTC Thermistor

  7. 用自行设计的电路测量了PTC热敏电阻器的电压效应。

    The voltage effect on ceramic PTC thermistors was measured by a self-developed circuit .

  8. 工艺条件对PTC热敏电阻器性能影响的研究

    Study on the Influences of Key Technology Factors on the Characteristics of PTC Thermistor

  9. PTC热敏电阻器的电阻温度特性及应用

    The temperature characteristics and the application of the resistance of PTC thermal sensitive resistors

  10. PTC热敏电阻器的现状与前景

    Present Situation and Prospects of PTC Thermistor

  11. PTC消磁热敏电阻器生产过程中的质量控制

    Quality Control in Degaussing PTC Thermistor Production

  12. 电脑彩色显示器消磁用PTC热敏电阻器关键技术探讨

    A Approach to the key Technology of PTC Thermistors for demagnetization in the Colored Computer Screens

  13. 研究了常用的移峰加入物的化学特性、物理特性对PTC热敏电阻器性能的影响。

    Effects of physicochemical properties of the usual peak-shifting additives on performances of the PTC thermistors are researched .

  14. 铜-康铜热电偶的热镀锡膜工艺和测温特性分析稳压特性-对NTC热敏电阻器

    Hot Tinning Process of Copper-constantan Thermocouples and Thermometric Characteristics Analysis

  15. 单片机控制的PTCR热敏电阻器阻-温特性测试系统

    A Single Chip Computer Controlled R T Test System for PTCR Thermistors

  16. 玻璃助剂对厚膜NTC热敏电阻器材料特征常数的影响

    Effect of Glass Agent on the Characteristic Constants of Thick Film NTC Thermistor

  17. 通过实验分析,证明铝导电浆料经印烧后与PTC热敏电阻器有良好的欧姆接触。

    This article verified with experiments that aluminum conductive paste has very good ohm contact with PTC thermistors after printing-sinter .

  18. Ni-C复合镀层在高分子PTC热敏电阻器上的应用

    Application of Ni-C composite deposit to high polymer PTC thermal resistor

  19. NTC热敏电阻器的可靠性估计与分析

    Reliability Estimation and Analysis for NTC Thermistors

  20. 玻璃釉包覆片式NTC热敏电阻器的研制

    Development of Glass Sealed Chip NTC Thermistor

  21. BaCO3和TiO2的物化特性对PTC热敏电阻器性能的影响

    Effect of Physico-chemical Indexes of BaCO_3 , and TiO_2 , on the Properties of PTC Thermistor

  22. 报导了针对立式2θ&θ型X射线衍射仪测量溶液结构的要求,根据热敏电阻器阻值随温度变化的特性,设计制作了液体样品池恒温装置。

    Based on the characteristic change of resistivity with temperature a new simple isothermal apparatus has been designed for the measurement of the liquid structure with 2 θ - θ type x-ray diffractometer .

  23. 功率型NTC热敏电阻器研究

    Investigation of Power NTC Thermistors

  24. 非对称型电压敏电阻器稳压特性-对NTC热敏电阻器

    Non-symmetric varistor voltage stabilization characteristic

  25. PTC热敏电阻器因其具有良好的阻温特性,在温度补偿、限流等方面有广泛的应用。钛酸钡系材料是目前最常用的PTC陶瓷材料之一。

    PTC heat sensitive resistor for its good resistance to temperature and pressure has the wide use in temperature compensation and current limiting , etc.

  26. 一般情况下延长预热时间应选用阻值较低、居里点较高、体积较大的PTC热敏电阻器。

    Generally speaking , to delay the preheating time , we should select the relatively lower resistance , taller Tc point and bigger PTC Thermistor .

  27. 对MF(11)型NTC热敏电阻器四水平恒定温度应力加速寿命试验的结果进行了系统的分析研究。

    A systematic investigation has been carried out on the results of a four-level accelerated constant temperature-stress lifetime experiment performed on type MF11 NTC thermistors .

  28. 本文从理论及实验上分析探讨了影响电脑彩色显示器PTC消磁热敏电阻器电流衰减特性的主要因素。

    In this paper , the main factors affected the current attenuation of PTC thermistors for demagnetization in the colored computer screens were analyzed and discussed in theory and experiment .

  29. 本论文从PTCR(热敏电阻器)测试规范出发,以国家标准为依据,论述了PTCR参数测试方法及测试原理。

    In this thesis , several common parameters testing theory and methods of PTCR based on PTCR testing principle and national standards are introduced .

  30. 数据处理结果表明,这类NTC热敏电阻器的寿命分布属于威布尔分布;失效的数学模型为阿伦尼斯模型。

    The results of data processing show that the lifetime distribution is a Weibull one , and the mathematical model that failed is an Arrhenius one .