
  • 网络Air pollution monitoring
  1. 反演结果表明,利用MODIS数据反演的气溶胶光学厚度分布可以用于北京及其周边地区的大气污染监测。

    The study result showed that aerosols optical thickness over study area obtained from MODIS data could be used to air pollution monitoring .

  2. 介绍了国内外利用Internet网进行大气污染监测的状况,提出了基于Internet的大气污染监测的在线系统,设计了监测系统的功能,选择了系统实现环境。设计了数据库的结构。

    The article introduced the situation of using internet to operate air pollution monitoring from home and aboard , based on which , auto-monitoring system was designed as well as function and application environment and structure of database of the auto system .

  3. 用SOCKET实现大气污染监测数据的网络通信

    Web Communication on Atmospheric Pollution Data via SOCKET

  4. 差分吸收光谱技术DOAS由于具有高灵敏度、高分辨率、多组分、实时、快速监测的特点,正在成为大气污染监测的理想工具。

    For its high sensitivity , high resolution , multi-components , real-time and fast monitoring , the differential optical absorption spectrometry ( DOAS ) is becoming an ideal method in atmosphere pollution monitoring .

  5. 高效液相色谱法在我国大气污染监测中的应用

    Application of HPLC to the Air Pollution Monitoring in China

  6. 大气污染监测优化布点模型的研究

    Optimal models for layout of air pollution monitoring stations

  7. 一体化工作站在大气污染监测系统的应用

    Application of Industrial Workstation in Airpollution Measurement system

  8. 基于C/S与B/S混合模式的大气污染监测系统设计

    Design of Atmosphere Pollution Monitoring System Based on C / S and B / S Model

  9. 生物组织微量气体交换研究、大气污染监测和医疗诊断等领域都涉及到微量气体的定量分析。

    The quantitative determination of trace gas concentration is involved in the study of biological trace gas exchange , air pollution and medical diagnosis .

  10. 首都323米大气污染监测塔的结构计算,采用了本文的计算方法及其计算机通用程序。

    The calculating method and its general computer program were used in the structural analysis of a 323 meter atmospheric pollution monitoring tower in Beijing .

  11. 根据株洲市1986~1997年的大气污染监测资料,对市区空气污染动态进行了分析。

    Based on the monitoring of the results of atmospheric pollutants in Zhuzhou City from 1986 to 1997 , the dynamics of the air pollution in this city was researched .

  12. 利用同步的气象资料和大气污染监测数据,进行了浓度变化分析、气象条件分析、局地光化学机制分析和输送机制分析。

    The synchronous meteorological data and air monitoring data are adopted for the analysis with focuses on concentration variation , meteorological pattern , the mechanisms of local photochemical pollution and regional transport .

  13. 本文根据重庆大气污染监测数据及气象资料,对该地区酸雨的时空分布概况和产生酸雨条件,作了分析。

    This paper makes an analysis of the distribution in space and time and the conditions of acid rain in Chongqing based on the observed meteorological data of atmospheric pollution in this district .

  14. 根据近4年吐鲁番城区的大气污染监测资料,对城区大气污染状况进行了分析和评价,对其成因进行了分析,并提出具体的防治对策。

    According to air pollution monitoring data of Turpan city zone near 4 years , this paper analyses and appraises air pollution status and cause of city zone and its cause . Then idiographic prevention countermeasures are put forward .

  15. 大气污染监测、电力系统设备故障判断以及人类健康医学诊断等很多领域都涉及到微量气体检测,光纤传感和激光光谱等技术在微量气体检测中得到了广泛的应用。

    Trace gas detection plays a very important role in the fields of atmospheric pollution monitoring , power transformer diagnosis , human health diagnosis . Technologies such as optical sensors and laser spectrum are widely applied in trace gas detection .

  16. 近年来,随着量子信息学科的发展,单光子探测技术在量子保密通讯、分子荧光寿命测量、单光子源制备、高分辨率的光谱测量、大气污染监测等领域有着广泛的应用。

    In recent years , with the development of quantum information science , single photon detection has been widely used in the fields of quantum communication , molecular fluorescence lifetime measurement , single photon resource , high resolved spectrum measurement and atmosphere pollution inspection .

  17. 通过对华北地区城市间大气污染监测资料分析发现,城市之间存在着大气污染的相互影响和输送问题,大气污染是一个区域性的环境问题。

    Based on the analysis of air pollution monitoring data in the cities of North China , it was found that there was a problem of pollutant affection and transport between the cities of North China , and the air pollution was a regional environmental problem .

  18. 基于Internet的大气污染自动监测系统的开发

    Development of Air Pollution Auto-monitoring System based on Internet

  19. 某市大气污染动态监测的优化与实践

    Optimization and Practice on Atmospheric Contamination Monitoring in A City

  20. 大气污染的监测日益受到社会的重视。

    The society gives more and more attention to monitoring atmospheric pollution .

  21. 农业生态系统大气污染生物学监测与评价研究

    Study on biological monitoring and assessment of atmospherically polluted agro-ecosystem

  22. 单板微型计算机在大气污染自动监测中的应用

    Application of Single Board Microcomputer in Air pollution Monitoring System

  23. 气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)联用在我国大气有机污染监测中的应用

    Application of GC / MS in Air Organic Pollution Monitoring in China

  24. 城市大气污染扩散监测模型的理论与试验研究

    Theoretical and experimental study on monitoring model for urban atmospheric pollution diffusion

  25. 大气污染源监测采样技术

    Discussion on Sampling Technology of Air Pollution Sources Monitoring

  26. 中国现在使用的大气污染卫星监测数据都是来自国外。

    Instead , China uses foreign satellite data .

  27. 大气污染流动监测站

    Stationary monitoring station for atmospheric pollution

  28. 大气污染的监测治理问题越来越引起世界各个国家的重视。

    Air pollution monitoring and controlling issues are given more and more attention in various countries around the world .

  29. 政府及相关部门应更进一步加强大气污染的监测和治理工作,以减少和预防学龄儿童呼吸系统疾病的发生。

    The government and relevant departments should strengthen harnessing and monitoring of air pollution in order to reduce and prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases in children .

  30. 空气孢粉学的研究在大气环境污染监测、花粉过敏症、农业收成预报和第四纪植被与环境重建等方面得到了广泛应用,并不断发展;

    Studies on the air pollen have been applied extensively to various aspects including the monitoring of the air environment pollution , studying the allergic properties of pollen , agricultural yield prediction , and the reconstruction of vegetation and environment of Quaternary .