• wife

  • marry a girl to
  • 男子的配偶:~子。~室(指妻子)。~小(妻子和儿女)。~离子散。

  • 以女嫁人。


(妻子) wife:

  • 夫妻

    husband and wife;

  • 未婚妻


  • 贤妻良母

    ideal type of womanhood as an understanding wife and loving mother;

  • 他娶她为妻。

    He got her for his wife.


[书](把女子嫁给某人)marry a girl to (a person):

  • 以其兄之女妻之

    married his brother's daughter to him

  1. 他因丧妻失子而悲痛不已。

    He 's grieving over his dead wife and son

  2. 对很多女性而言,为人之妻的名分很重要。

    For many women , the status which goes with being a wife is important .

  3. 保罗和他的未婚妻在那里。

    Paul and his fianc é e were there .

  4. 他被未婚妻抛弃了。

    He was jilted by his fianc é e.

  5. 我母亲大谈为妻之道。

    My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty .

  6. 专业人士阶层最支持一夫一妻制。

    Support for monogamy and marriage was strongest among the professional classes .

  7. 你相信人类并非本来就是一夫一妻制的吗?

    Do you believe that men are not naturally monogamous ?

  8. 明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。

    In 1959 , Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner

  9. 整个事件搞得我和未婚妻都心烦意乱。

    The whole incident had upset me and my fiancee terribly

  10. 哦,天哪!他们有时看起来真像一对老夫老妻。

    Well , honestly ! They 're like an old married couple at times .

  11. 人们仍然选择一夫一妻制。

    People still opt for monogamy and marriage .

  12. 丧妻之痛令我彻底崩溃,几个月之后才恢复过来。

    The loss of my wife hit me for six ; it took me months to recover

  13. 他想娶她为妻。

    He wants to marry her

  14. 他还写了一些美妙的故事,其中有些是和他的未婚妻合著的。

    He was also a writer of beautiful stories , some of which are collaborations with his fiancee .

  15. 根据分居协议,他必须每年向前妻支付5万英镑。

    Under a separation agreement , he was obligated to pay his ex-wife £ 50,000 a year for life .

  16. 曾有那么一段时间他把安娜称作约翰的未婚妻,但后来又说那是口误。

    At one stage he referred to Anna as John 's fianc é e , but later said that was a slip of the tongue .

  17. 他遗下一妻二子。

    He left a wife and two children .

  18. 何以妻为?

    What need have I of a wife ?

  19. 他娶她为妻。

    He got her for his wife .

  20. 不论是福是祸,他决心娶她为妻。

    He has resolved to take her for better or for worse .

  21. 那张脸使他在脑海里出现了他亡妻的形象。

    That face called up in his mind the image of his end wife .

  22. 他最终要娶她为妻。

    He will end by marrying her .

  23. 我妻长眠此地需要静寂!她已驾鹤西归我亦安息。

    Here lies wife : here let her lie ! now she 's at rest , and so am I.

  24. 其中一些罗马人娶了当地的中国妇女为妻,由此开启了金发碧眼的中国部落的传说。

    Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the legend of the blond-haired , blue-eyed tribes of China was started .

  25. 他的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。

    His fianc é e is a promising young terpsichorean .

  26. 妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌

    My wife is patting Run'er inside the house , murmuring lullaby mistily .

  27. 一只狮子深深爱上了农夫的女儿,想娶她为妻。

    A lion fell deeply in love with the daughter of a cottager and wanted to marry her ;

  28. 由于孩子哭闹不已,曾子妻许诺孩子回来后杀猪给他吃。

    Because the child was crying loudly , she promised the child that she would kill their pig to treat him after she returned home .

  29. 夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。

    If husband and wife agree , as is known to the third party , to separately possess their property acquired during their marriage life , the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person , shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her .

  30. 后者是约翰·F·肯尼迪的侄女、加利福尼亚州长阿诺·施瓦辛格之妻。

    Kennedy 's niece and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 's wife .