
  • 网络north canal
  1. 北运河生态健康评价及修复方法研究

    The Research on Ecosystem Health Evalution and Repairing Methods of North Canal

  2. 北运河、永定河和卫河是海河流域具有代表意义的生态受损河流。

    The typical eco-damaged rivers within the river basin are the North Canal , Yongdinghe River and Weihe River .

  3. 过去10a间,由于土地覆被变化导致北运河年均径流量增加了10%~20%,而气候变化导致年均径流量减少了约2/3。

    However , one increases by 10 % ~ 20 % due to land cover change .

  4. 通过对北运河香河段污灌区不同深度土壤重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd含量的监测分析,评价污灌对土壤重金属含量造成的影响。

    By analyzing soil 's contents of heavy metals , such as Cu , Pb , Zn and Cd in different depths , the effect of wastewater irrigation on the contents of heavy metals in soil is estimated .

  5. 两主要城市以及下属县市的北运河旅游资源开发皆处于滞后状况。

    Two major cities and counties of Northern Canal is subordinate to the tourism resource development is lagging behind .

  6. 北运河是京杭大运河的重要区段,其沿岸连接着北方三省市。

    The Northern Canal is an important segment of the Beijing-Hangzhou grand canal , the three provinces and cities along the northern connected .

  7. 在自组织理论指导下,针对北运河的旅游开发现状,设计主题旅游线路并构建旅游板块。

    In theory , under the guide of tourism development in the Northern Canal situation , the design theme tour routes and constructing tourism sector .

  8. 地域特色园林小品的心理归属意义思考&以沈阳北运河滨水绿地规划为例

    The Thoughts of Psychological Attribution Meaning of Garden Essay with Region Characteristics & Take the Landscape Planning of the North Canal in Shenyang City as Example

  9. 根据这些宫庙的形成时间及分布情况推测,元代的妈祖信仰是沿海河、北运河及天津以北渤海沿岸地区传播的。

    Conferred from their formative hour and distributing circumstance that the belief in Mazu in Yuan dynasty was disseminated along the Haihe River , North Canal and Bohai seacoast area in North Tianjin .

  10. 本文试图打破北京与天津各自为政的局面,从北运河整体旅游资源出发,整合其旅游系统,为京津冀旅游一体化提供新的视角。

    This paper tries to break the fragmented Beijing and Tianjin , north of overall tourism resources from the Canal , the integration of its tourism system , the integration of tourism for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei provides a new perspective .

  11. 二者都要依赖便利的交通,体现在长江以北的运河。

    The two are both dependent on convenient traffic , embodied in the canal to the north of Yangtze River .

  12. 南水北调中线古运河枢纽的高边坡土钉防护

    Soil-Nailing Protection for High Slope on the Ancient Canal Junction in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project