
ɡàn bù rén shì zhì dù
  • personnel system relating to cadres
  1. 推行竞争上岗是事业单位干部人事制度改革的一项重要内容,也是切实加强干部队伍建设的重要举措。

    To encourage competition for jobs is a key element in the reform of the personnel system relating to cadres in government institutions and an important measure of improving the quality of cadres .

  2. 干部人事制度改革机制创新刍议

    Discussion of Mechanism Innovation of the Personnel System Reform for Cadres

  3. (七)深化干部人事制度改革。

    Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system .

  4. 选调生制度是我国一项重要的干部人事制度。

    Selected graduates system is an important cadre and personnel system in China .

  5. 高校推进干部人事制度改革,重在中层干部“能上能下”。

    College reform of leadership system depends on the transferability of its mid-rank leaders .

  6. 转换企业经营机制必须改革干部人事制度。

    The necessity of reforming the cadre system for shifting the business management mode .

  7. 改革开放以来干部人事制度改革的历史考察与基本经验

    On the History and Basic Laws of Cadre Personnel System Reform Since Reform and Opening

  8. 改革和完善干部人事制度,健全公务员制度

    In reforming and perfecting the cadre and personnel system and improving the system of public servants

  9. 是干部人事制度改革中的热点和难点问题。

    It is the heat in reform of system of cadre human affairs and difficulty problem .

  10. 论干部人事制度创新

    Innovation in Cadre Personnel System

  11. 公务员考试录用制度是我国干部人事制度改革的重要创举。

    Civil service examination is the most important innovation of our civil service recruitment system in China .

  12. 干部人事制度的不健全;

    The imperfect personnel system ;

  13. 这些经验的取得,对我们干部人事制度改革的进一步深化有重要的指导意义。

    All these laws will be of great importance in the further reforms of our cadre personnel system .

  14. 不断深化干部人事制度改革,着力造就高素质干部队伍和人才队伍。

    Continue to deepen reform of the cadre and personnel system and focus on training high-caliber cadres and personnel .

  15. 公务员录用制度的建立和实施,充分体现了我国干部人事制度的深刻变革。

    The setting and the implement of civil servant recruitment system reflect the deep reform of cadre and personnel system .

  16. 具体介绍了东安公司在干部人事制度、分配制度、劳动用工制度的改革举措。

    Detailed description has been given to the reforming measures for cadre personnel system , distribution system and labor system .

  17. 政府雇员薪酬制度研究&从政府雇员薪酬制度看干部人事制度改革

    Study on the Compensation System of Government Employee & How the Compensation of Government Employee Reflects the Reform of Personnel System

  18. 广州市国有企业在深化干部人事制度改革方面做了许多有益的探索,并取得较大的进步。

    State-owned enterprises in Guangzhou have made lots of exploration in reform of the cadre and personnel system , and have greater progress .

  19. 我国的公务员制度起步比较晚,现行公务员制度的前身是建国后的干部人事制度。

    The development of the system in China started later and its predecessor is cadre and personnel system after the founding of PRC .

  20. 改革开放以来,学界关于我国干部人事制度改革的研究成果层出不穷,研究观点可谓众说纷纭。

    Scholars have had endless stream of research results and viewpoints about our country 's cadre and personnel system since the reform and opening-up .

  21. 这两年来,大学生就业制度的改革和干部人事制度的变化,为高校实行学分制提供了外在的制度基础。

    In recent years , reforms in students'employment system and cadre personnel system have provided a system guarantee for the practice of credit system .

  22. 第六,积极推进干部人事制度、行政审批制度、财政管理制度和公务员财产申报制度等配套制度的改革;

    Sixthly , deepen personnel regime reformation , innovate administrative examining system , reform financial management system , and build civil servant property supervising regimentation .

  23. 文职人员是军队体制编制调整和干部人事制度改革的产物,建立科学合理的文职人员薪酬体系,对贯彻和推进文职人员制度具有重要意义。

    It is establishment and implement of the nonmilitary personnel system , which is an important strategic tactic for the reform of military human resource system .

  24. 它同权力的利益属性有密切联系,而我国现行干部人事制度的不足与执行中的偏差则是其直接原因。

    It was associated with the interest characteristic of power closely , but Its direct cause is the short and error in our current system of personnel matters .

  25. 作为干部人事制度改革的重要内容,老干部离退休制度有其建立、发展和完善的过程。

    As the important content of the reform of the cadre and personnel system , the old cadres ' retirement system has its own establishment , development and maturation .

  26. 但是,由于我国公务员制度是建立在传统干部人事制度的基础上的,所以不可避免的还带有传统干部人事制度的痕迹。

    However , because Chinese civil service system is built on the basis of the traditional personnel system , it is also influenced by our traditional planned economy system .

  27. 近年来,干部人事制度改革一直备受人们关注,其中干部选拔晋升格外抢眼,公开、公平、公正成为社会对干部选拔的普遍期待。

    In recent years , the reform of the cadre and personnel system has been the concern of the public , the cadre selection and promotion is particularly eye-catching .

  28. 如何在图书馆引入竞争机制,激活用人制度,是图书馆干部人事制度改革的关键和突破。

    In reform of personnel system , it is the key and breakthrough for a library to introduce the competitive system and arouse the staff ′ s enthusiasm at work .

  29. 随着国家公务员制度的实施和干部人事制度改革的逐步深入,国家始终把对公务员队伍管理作为重要内容。

    With the implement of national civil servant system and the gradual deepening reform of personnel system for cadre , the state has concern the civil servant management as an important content .

  30. 本文从干部人事制度、权力制约制度、法律规范制度三个方面对廉政制度建设进行探讨并对其结构提出了设想。

    This paper analyzes three possible factors which affect the construction of a clean and honest administration , and some ideas for the structure of the system of the construction are recommended .