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  • 网络Human body curve;human curvature
  1. 保侍人体自然曲线,更有效承托;

    Bao Shi body 's natural curve , more effective support ;

  2. 更有效的承托,保持人体自然曲线,使你得到更舒适更健康的睡眠。

    More effective support and maintain the body 's natural curve , so you get more comfortable and healthier sleep .

  3. 肚子对于人体的曲线是大有贡献的,但是假使凸的像挂了布袋,太高了,就俗了!

    The curve of human stomach is greatly contribute , but if the bag as the convex , too , is common !

  4. 经试验得出一条在简单防护条件下人体耐热曲线,将其作为确定始焊温度的参考;

    A tolerance curve of heat resistance for human being body under simple protective condition is obtained from experiment . The curve is used as a reference to determine the temperature of start welding .

  5. 国产内燃机车排气阀焊修后焊接过热区的脆化及使用寿命分析人体耐热曲线和物体冷却曲线在料缸焊修中的应用

    Analysis of the Brittleness in Weld Superheated Area and the Service Life of Repair Welded Exhaust Valves for the Diesel Locomotives Made in China HEAT RESISTANCE TOLERANCE CURVE OF HUMAN BEING APPLIED TO REPAIR WELDING OF HEAVY HOPPER

  6. 依据人体CO吸收曲线,以COHb饱和度为指标,得到CO感觉效应水平和视觉效应水平为7%;听觉效应水平为9%。

    According to the absorption curves for human exposed to CO , it is suggested that the sense effect level and vision effect level for CO are 7 % COHb , and the hearing effect level is 9 % COHb .

  7. 且因枕面高度可调,使其曲线的形状、曲率,与人体的生理曲线更加吻合。

    Besides , because the height of the pillow surface can be adjusted , the curve shape and the curve rate of the utility model are more tallied with the physiological curve .

  8. 为了研究两半正弦正负相组合波形作用下人员抛离问题,以LS-DYNA程序为工具,计算了立姿人体抛离时程曲线。

    The LS-DYNA finite element program was applied to the research of human body kick-off under the combined wave of double semi-sine wave with positive and negative value .

  9. 顺应人体骨骼自然生理曲线;

    Natural physiological response to the human skeleton curve ;

  10. 结果人体穴位伏安特性曲线具有非线性、惯性两大特征。

    Results V-A characteristic curve of human acupoints is of the both characteristics of non-linear and inertia .

  11. 能提供更强承托力、顺应人体骨骼自然生理曲线。

    To provide greater load bearing capacity , adapt to the natural physiological curve of the human skeleton .

  12. 为了解决该问题,提出了人体模型和人体边缘曲线相结合的人体分割方法。

    Thus , a human segmentation method combing human model with body edge curve is presented .

  13. 此方法依据人体边界像素点绘制人体边界曲线,通过对边界曲线的处理来确定人体头部的宽度,最后根据人体模型来确定人体各部分的比例。

    This method draws human body boundary curves according to the boundary pixels , deals with the boundary curve to determine the width of human head , and finally determines the proportion of the various parts of the body according to the human model .

  14. 本文给出了从照片中提取用户人体轮廓和特征参数、用户人体特征曲线生成、三维扫描人体模型重建、混合驱动人体变形和个性化人体生成等的实例。

    Using the LSX , many examples including the technique for feature parameters extraction , human body feature curve generation , scanned body reconstruction , body deformation , combination drive , and personalized human body modeling are given .

  15. 利用实际采集的图像得到人体特征参数,验证了所提方法快速可靠,为人体特征曲线的生成和三维个性化人体模型的建立提供二维尺寸信息。提出基于神经网络的三维人体特征曲线生成方法。

    This method provides 2D size information for the generation of feature curve and 3D human body modeling . A general method for human body feature curves automatically generating based on neural network is proposed .