
  • 网络Life;Reflections on Life;Insights on life;Inspiration from Life
  1. 看一部写满丰盛人生感悟的手札。

    Read a page fruitful life perception about the personal growth .

  2. 你愿意和我分享你自己的人生感悟吗?

    Can you share your life lessons with me ?

  3. 人生感悟:谋事在人,成事在天。

    Sentiment of the life : Man proposes , God disposes in the day .

  4. 成家后人生感悟也会不同。

    Having a family changes things too .

  5. 这些人生感悟帮助我过上了精彩而又平衡的生活。

    These life lessons help me keep my cool in life and live in balance .

  6. 张爱玲将其独特的人生感悟渗透到小说创作中,创造了一个苍凉而美丽的小说世界。

    Zhang 's unique sense of life reflects itself in her novels and creates a bleak yet beautiful world .

  7. 最近,我回顾了下自己在这两年来的生活,而且还反思总结出了不少的人生感悟。

    I recently looked back at the last two years of my life and contemplated the lessons I 've learned .

  8. 整个上午他们都在上海办公室里和员工们畅谈天南地北,分享人生感悟。

    They spent the morning at DDB China Group in Shanghai-meeting the staff , touring our offices , sharing anecdotes and stories .

  9. 语文学科所包含的心理教育资源最为丰富,能激发人生感悟,开辟情绪渲泄的通道。

    The rich materials of psychological education included in Chinese course stimulate a better understanding of life and provide a healthy outlet to unbosom themselves emotionally .

  10. 本文勉力探奇,侧重从其独特的人生感悟及其对小说创作的影响两方面加以阐述。

    This article is an attempt to find out something new , with special emphasis on her unique life perception and its influence on her novel creation .

  11. 起先我是以日记的方式记录下我的人生感悟,但后来我意识到我们都生活在一个信息收集与分享的时代。

    At first I was going to jot these lessons down in my diary but then remembered that we are in the age of information sharing and collaboration .

  12. 而结构决定功能,美妙的诗意与人生感悟惟有在这种有无虚实相生的辩证性结构中才能够准确地传达。

    The structure decides function , beautiful poetry and inspiration from life only can be truly expressed by the dialectical structure of with or without , false or true complement .

  13. 其实,在我看来,这位钓者钓的不是鱼,更不是愁,是一种情趣,一种生活态度,一种人生感悟。

    In fact , in my view , the anglers not fish , nor sorrow , is a taste , a kind of attitude to life , a life feeling .

  14. 第一章分别从人生感悟的诗化、直觉顿悟的思维方式和独特的意象体系三个方面来描述庄禅在废名诗歌中的显现;

    Chapter One will depict how the Buddhism and Zen is embodied in Fei Ming 's Poems from the transfer of feelings to poems , the thinking manner of instinct realization and the unique image system .

  15. 人生感悟:平和地对待每一件事情,善待一切该善待的人!接待员:医生,在接待室有只看不见的恐龙。

    The human life feels : even treat with ground an each affair , treat kindly everything should person who treat kindly ! Receptionist : Doctor , there 's an invisible dinosaur in the waiting room .

  16. 该项调查对1000名70岁以上、生活经验丰富、人生感悟深刻的老人进行提问,问题包括人生中最快乐的时刻和最后悔的事情。

    The research involved quizzing 1000 ' life experts ' aged 70 or older who have the benefit of life experience and hindsight . They were asked about their happiest moments and their biggest regrets in life .

  17. 在她的笔下,童话没有了完美的故事结局;不再仅仅局限于表达儿童简单、稚拙的审美体验,而是将成年人的人生感悟、生命思考融入文本。

    In her fairy stories , there are no longer perfect endings . This means that the author does not limit her texts to simple and childish aesthetic experience , instead , she provides her stories with philosophy and thoughts of adults .

  18. 这种自觉的文学创作源于张爱玲独特的家庭环境、人文素养、人生感悟和创作氛围,同时也与弗洛伊德的文学创作“利比多说”不谋而合。

    This conscientious literary creation not only originates from Zhang Eileen 's special family environments , her humanist accomplishment , her understanding of life and her writing situation , but coincides with Freud 's " Libido Theory " concerning literary creation as well .

  19. 比格街的总经理马修·格莱德希尔说:“所有这些生活经验和人生感悟都表明,幸福最关键的在于减少忧虑和担心、同你最爱的人一起活好生命中的每一刻。”

    Matthew Gledhill , managing director of Beagle Street , said : ' The overwhelming message from those with the most life experience is that the key to happiness is to worry less and live in the moment with the people you care about most .

  20. 两晋南北朝是咏史诗的发展期,主要成就在把人生感悟自然地融入到历史追叙之中,提升了咏史诗的艺术表现力,不足之处在内涵之有限与视野稍嫌偏狭。

    The Two Jins , South and North dynasty is the developing stage whose main achievement is naturally melting the sentiment of life into history flashback . The art expressive force is enhanced and the disadvantage is the limit of the connotation and a bit narrowness of the view .

  21. 我们用我们的思想,我们对于世界、人生的感悟构筑了我们的世界。

    We have built our world by our thoughts and the sentiment to life , to world .

  22. 宗教文化在被中国现代作家接受时,他们很少关注宗教典经习俗、宗教本质论等问题,而是看重宗教对人生的感悟和对终极价值的思考。

    Chinese modern writers accepted religious culture , but they paid little attention to religious customs or essentialism of religion .

  23. 另一方面,他们要抒发自己不同于儒家礼乐观的对艺术、人生的感悟。

    On the other hand , they expected to express their own sentiment about art and life which were different from Confucianism .

  24. 电影中大部分的电影镜头都是对话和独白,这些都展现了各种角色的幽默感,以及对人生的感悟。

    A lot of screen time is devoted to conversations and monologues that reveal the different characters ' senses of humor and perspectives on life .

  25. 反思文学由于大多浸透了血泪人生的感悟,反映的又是苦难已被超越的审美心理,因而具有强烈的艺术感染力。

    The introspective literature , imbued with an comprehension of tortuous life and an reflection of aesthetic mentality beyond misfortunes , is possessed of impetuous artistic appeal .

  26. 苏青以她平凡而特殊的人生阅历感悟着她的生活,创作着她的作品。

    Su Qing 's work , which may seem a bit ordinary and trivial in its content , was created through her ordinary but special life experience .

  27. 该文论述了小说教学中应采用人物分析、情感体验和审美评论三种方法来帮助学生提高小说阅读的审美层次,进而帮助他们提高对人生的感悟。

    The paper expatiates how to use character - analysis , sentimental experience and esthetic comment to help students to improve their esthetic level when they read novels , further to help them to improve their comprehension in life .

  28. 在散文创作上,他忠实实践自己的文学观对普遍人性进行咏叹与婉讽,主要包涵真挚的情感,人生的感悟,丰雅的情趣以及世相的婉讽。

    On essay writing , he practice his literature and art opinion which is to chant or satire the normal human nature which mainly include the sincere feelings , the understand of life , the elegance spice and the satire to normal people .

  29. 另外,抒写北京文化的20世纪中国散文有突出的个性特点:美妙、博大、深厚、雍容和灵性,充满对生命与人生的深切感悟。

    Besides , the prose about Beijing 's culture in the 20th century had the outstanding features of being marvelous , great , splendid and intelligent , full of the deep awareness for life .

  30. 借助中远景长镜头拍摄,出神入化地勾画简约的天地人间图象,传递无限的神韵,并获取对宇宙、人生的深刻感悟。

    By using medium and long shots as well as long takes , Hou produced a plain picture of the world , conveying infinite charms , obtaining reflections about the world and the life .