
  • 网络cerebral resuscitation;brain resuscitation
  1. 全部病例CPR成功率为30·4%,24小时生存率3·6%,脑复苏成功率仅1·4%;

    The total CPR success rate was 30.4 % , survival rate after 24 hours was 3.6 % , cerebral resuscitation rate was only 1.4 % .

  2. 目的:探讨头部亚低温对心脏骤停犬超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和脂质过氧化物(LPO)的影响,为临床脑复苏过程中开展亚低温治疗提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of head mild hypothermia on superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and lipid peroxide ( LPO ) for obtaining the theoretic basis of using mild hypothermia in cerebral resuscitation .

  3. 结论在脑复苏救治过程中,PTX可抑制NF-κB与TNF-αmRNA的表达,抑制炎症反应,减少细胞凋亡而发挥脑保护作用。

    Conclusion PTX may down-regulate the expressions of NF - κ B and TNF - α mRNA after global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion . It inhibited the inflammatory reaction and attenuated cellular apoptosis .

  4. 目的了解10年来院内心肺复苏(cardiopulmonaryresuscitation,CPR)现状,探索如何提高CPR特别是脑复苏水平。

    Objective To study the status of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) in the past 10 years , and to explore ways to improve CPR success rate , especially cerebral resuscitation .

  5. 心搏停止超过4min患者的脑复苏治疗

    Cerebral Resuscitation after Cardiac Arrest for more than 4 Minutes

  6. 方法与结果:回顾性分析了18例心搏停止超过4min患者的脑复苏效应。

    Method and Results : Eighteen patients with complete circulation arrest of > 4min were retrospectively analysed .

  7. 川芎嗪对心脏骤停鼠脑复苏的作用

    Effects of Ligustrazine on Cerebral Resuscitation after Cardiac Arrest in Rats

  8. 早期针刺对心脏骤停患者脑复苏的影响

    Influence of Early Acupuncture on Cerebral Resuscitation in Cardiac Arrest Patients

  9. 头部低温与脑复苏的实验研究

    An experimental study of regional cephalic hypothermia and brain resuscitation

  10. 控温疗法在脑复苏病人中的应用

    Application of Temperature Control Therapy in Brain Revivification Patient

  11. 目的:从细胞凋亡角度研究葛根素治疗脑复苏的机制。

    Objective : To investigate the mechanism of puerarin in the treatment of cerebral resuscitation .

  12. 本实验进一步证实头部低温在脑复苏中的良好效果和积极意义。

    Our experiment further confirmed that regional cephalic hypothermia had achieved good results in brain resuscitation .

  13. 脑复苏病人的气道管理

    Management of brain recovering patients

  14. 目的探讨中药蝶脉灵注射液在心脏骤停时对脑复苏的作用。

    Objective Study of effection Diemailing Injection ( DI ) on cerebral resuscitation in sudden cardiac arrest .

  15. 脑复苏药包括纳洛酮现仍处在临床观察阶段。

    The drugs of cerebral resuscitation such as naloxone are still at the stage of clinical observation .

  16. 闭胸式体外循环用于兔脑复苏及预测神经功能有关因素的实验研究

    The factors of predicting neurologic functions on brian resuscitation using closed-thoracic cardio-pulmonary bypass-An experimental study in rabbits

  17. 呼吸囊&面罩给氧在早期脑复苏中的作用

    The affect of oxygen supply by breather bag-face cover during the early stage of brain regain consciousness

  18. 脑复苏后大鼠海马中Bcl-2/Bax的表达与灯盏花素干预

    Intervention of Breviscapine on the Expression of Bcl-2 / Bax in Rats ' Hippocampus after Cerebral Resuscitation

  19. 头部重点低温脱水综合疗法脑复苏机制的研究(对激动性氨基酸变化的影响)

    Experimental study of mechanism of selective head cooling-dehydration combined therapy for brain resuscitation : effects on levels of excitatory amino acids .

  20. 大剂量肾上腺素可提高心肺复苏成功率,但是对脑复苏的成功率无明显影响。

    Large dosage adrenine could increase success ratio of cardiopulmonary resuscitation , but had nothing to do with success ratio of cerebral resuscitation .

  21. 呼吸囊-面罩加压吸氧在早期心肺脑复苏中的应用插入式腹部按压心肺复苏术和标准心肺复苏术对心脏骤停病人脑复苏效果的对比研究

    Application of using Bursa-veil breathing oxygen air pressure equipment in treating early-stage cardiac-pulmonary cerebral resuscitation A comparative study on two different CPR in cerebral resuscitation of patients with cardiac arrest

  22. 插入式腹部按压心肺复苏术和标准心肺复苏术对心脏骤停病人脑复苏效果的对比研究241例心跳骤停与心肺脑复苏的回顾性分析

    A comparative study on two different CPR in cerebral resuscitation of patients with cardiac arrest Retrospective analysis of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation in 241 cases in the past 12 years

  23. 结论:心脏呼吸骤停30分钟后,用心肺转流法复苏能有地恢复自主循环,并可能有益于脑复苏,其复苏效果明显优于常规法。

    Conclusions ; After cardiac and respiration arrest 30 minutes , the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by CPB is significantly better than it by usually method and the CPB may be better for cerebral resuscitation .

  24. 随着心肺复苏技术的普及和急救体系的完善,越来越多的患者发生心搏骤停后能得到早期救助而恢复自主循环,因此脑复苏已成为心肺脑复苏的研究热点。

    With the further development of cardio - pulmonary resuscitation technique and the system of emergency treatment , more and more patients get early treatment after cardiac arrest and recover blood circulation , therefore , cerebral resuscitation has been become a hot spot of CPCR research .

  25. 结论:我们的研究揭示脑死亡供者复苏参数中几个有限因素对DGF持续时间的影响。

    CONCLUSION : Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration .

  26. 作者认为迅速施行有效的胸内心脏按摩是心肺复苏的重要措施,及早使用头部降温及足够疗程的脱水剂预防和治疗脑水肿有助于脑复苏。

    The authors emphasized that the efficient internal cardiac massage was the important measure of the resuscitation , and the early use of head hypothermia and sufficient dehydrant for preventing and treating cerebral edema would be contributive to cerebral resuscitation .

  27. 另外,脑血流监测及神经学预后指标在脑复苏中作用也是不可忽视的。

    Otherwise , it plays a important role to monitor cerebral blood flow and to detect prognostic indicator of neurology in cerebral resuscitation .

  28. 目的:观察心肺复苏后狗脑组织Ca2+Mg2+ATP酶活性的改变,探讨其对脑复苏的意义。

    Objective : To observe changes in Ca 2 + Mg 2 + ATPase activity in dog 's brain after cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ), and investigate its significance on cerebral resuscitation .

  29. 结果脑缺血再灌注60min结束,与缺血模型组比较,应用葛根素的脑保护组和脑复苏组均可显著降低动物血液粘滞度,增加红细胞变形性(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    Results In the cerebral protective and the cerebral resuscitative group , compared with the operation control group , we observed significant decrease of blood viscosity and beneficial changes of red blood cell characteristics ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 结论:脑亚低温(33℃左右)可能通过抑制脑内脂质过氧化反应和内源性氧自由基清除剂的消耗,对脑复苏起到有利的保护作用。

    Conclusions : Mild SBH may reduce brain damage after cardiac arrest and benefit cerebral resuscitation , which may be associated with inhibitory effects on both lipid peroxidation and consumption of oxygen free radical scavengers during brain reperfusion .