
nǎo sǐ
  • brain death
脑死[nǎo sǐ]
  1. 脑电图记录法也常用于判断是否脑死,但并不是绝对必要。

    Electroencephalography is useful but not essential in determining brain death .

  2. 脑死:大脑受到无法回复之损害的状态。

    Brain death : State of irreversible destruction of the Brain .

  3. 举例来说,我们可以提供一个天赋或雕文(或其他东西)降低爆发的冷却,同时又不会使血DK变成一个只会无脑死打的天赋。

    We could offer a talent or glyph ( or something ) that lowers the cooldown of Outbreak for instance , without turning Blood DKs into a spec that can play optimally by pushing nothing but Death Strike .

  4. 她是脑死,没有想法或感觉。

    Her brain is dead , she 's got no ideas or feelings .

  5. 她原本脑死了,对吧?

    She was brain-dead , right ?

  6. 脑死与放弃治疗

    Brain Death and Abandoned Treatment

  7. 在维生系统发明以前,脑死总会快速造成身体死亡。

    Before the invention of life-support systems , brain death always led quickly to death of the body .

  8. 所以,器官取出的时机只有在宣布脑死与器官坏死的短短这段时间内取出。

    So , the critical moment for removing the organs is within a very short period between pronouncement of death and necrosis of the organs .

  9. 然而,整体来说,我还是很喜欢这样的经验,不过这真的会让你进入「脑死」状态而必须在事后有足够的休息与充电。

    Overall , though , I have always enjoyed the entire experience though it does leave you " brain dead " and totally in need of rest and recharge .

  10. 脑死亡立法的价值取向,应确立保护确认脑死对象的生命权、促进器官移植、保护器官捐献者的自己决定权及坚持器官无偿捐献原则。

    Protecting the life right of the sufferer whose brain life is affirmed , promoting apparatus transplant , protecting apparatus subscribers'self-determining right and the principle of apparatus'volunteer subscription are what our legislation should stick to .

  11. 脑死亡的程序伦理问题在于落实脑死概念时,如何制订相应的程序来促进有关各方的利益,防止被人利用来伤害人们。

    The procedure ethical problem is how to make corresponding procedure for the interests of all parties in case it may be use to violate others ' rights when the concept brain death is put into effect .