
  1. 这会给年轻人和社区带来更多好处还是问题?

    Does this bring more benefits or more drawbacks to young adults and the community ?

  2. 恢复性司法不仅注重修复因犯罪受到损害的社会关系和社会秩序,而且鼓励在被害人、犯罪人和社区之间重新建立一种和谐的社会关系,是一种面向未来的积极司法。

    Restorative justice not only pay attention to repair damage for crimes of social relations and social order , and encourage during the victim , crime and community rebuilt between a harmonious social relationship , it is a kind of future-oriented actively judicial .

  3. 这是企业、大学和联邦政府合作的结果,侧重确保美国企业和美国工人赢得高科技制造的竞赛,赢得与之相伴的工作——可以帮助愿意努力工作的人和社区步入中产阶级行列的工作。

    It 's a partnership between companies , colleges , and the federal government focused on making sure American businesses and American workers win the race for high-tech manufacturing and the jobs that come with it-jobs that can help people and communities willing to work hard punch their ticket into the middle class .

  4. 那里还有好多华人,马来西亚人和印度人社区。

    You know the Chinese , Malay , and Hindu communities are there .

  5. 我担心,我们这些最聪明的美国年轻人在学校和社区中常常热心公益、参与志愿服务,

    And I worry that too many of our brightest young Americans so often public minded , so often engaged as students

  6. 第二部分阐述了养老模式的相关理论与实践经验,包括老年人和居家-社区养老等概念的界定,理论依据,国内外的养老实践经验。

    The second part elaborates on theories and practices in relation to retirement patterns . This part discusses concepts such as senior citizen and home-community retirement , theoretical framework and retirement experiences from home and abroad .

  7. 虽然寡妇面临许多困难,但许多人依然对国家和社区作出了宝贵贡献。

    Despite the many difficulties widows face , many make valuable contributions to their countries and communities .

  8. 社区人作为社区建设和社区发展的主体面临着发展的难题。

    As the principal part of community construction and community development , men of community face with the dilemma of development .

  9. 犯罪行为引起了义务和责任,犯罪人应当赔偿被害人和社区的损失,社区承担将改造后的犯罪人重新整合的责任;

    The crime brings obligation and responsibility , the offender should pay for the loss of the victim and the community , the community should take the responsibility for the corrected offender to be reintegrated into the community ;