
rén ɡōnɡ xīn fèi jī
  • artificial heart-lung machine
  1. 人工心肺机对P((a-E~1))CO2的影响

    Effects of artificial cardiopulmonary bypass on P ( a-E ~ 1 ) CO_2

  2. 方法随机选择CPB心内直视术患者40例,根据人工心肺机预充液配方分为两组。Ⅰ组:MFG500ml+晶体1300ml;

    Methods Forty patients undergoing open heart surgery were divided randomly into two groups : group ⅰ, MFG 500ml + crystalloid 1 # 300ml ;

  3. 人工心肺机血液泵监测系统的研制

    Development of the Monitor System for Blood Pump in Cardiopulmonary Machine

  4. 人工心肺机流量计的研制

    The Flowmeter of the Artificial Heart and Lung Machine

  5. 该手术需要让心脏停止跳动,并将血液改道通过人工心肺机。

    The operation involves stopping the heart and shunting the blood through a heart-lung machine .

  6. 心内直视外科,开心手术:打开胸腔以暴露心脏的手术,然后通过人工心肺机来供血和氧。

    Surgery in which the thoracic cavity is opened to expose the heart and the blood is recirculated and oxygenated by a heart-lung machine .

  7. 侵害性最少的心脏手术利用稳定心脏的仪器进行,使外科医生能够让需要修补的心脏部位静止,而不需要使用人工心肺机。

    Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery is performed using heart-stabilizing devices which allow the surgeon to immobilize the parts of the heart that need repair , eliminating the heart-lung machine .

  8. 该新装置将允许外科医生在心脏搏动的情况完成手术,从而避免了停跳心脏及给患者上人工心肺机。

    The device would allow surgeons to perform the procedure on the beating heart and do away with the need to stop the heart and place the patient on a heart-lung machine .

  9. 气袋式人工心肺复苏机

    Artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation with a gasbag