
  1. 这种人造大米即使用开水煮也十分坚硬,吃下肚很难消化,可怕的是吃三碗人造大米就相当于吞下一只塑料袋,对人体的危害可想而知。

    The rice remained as hard as stone even after it was cooked and did not digest easily . It 's also pretty dangerous , since consuming three bowls of it is equal to consuming one bag of vinyl , or one plastic bag .

  2. 现年23岁的他是一名身在北方联盟领地中的商人,经常开着他的丰田小型载货卡车,到靠近多拿马村的前线那里,载上诸如糖、人造黄油、大米和茶之类的货物。

    A23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar , margarine , rice and tea .