
  • 网络diagonals;diagonal branch
  1. 对角支向侧方走行,主要供应LV游离壁。

    The diagonal branches course laterally and predominantly supply the LV free wall .

  2. 切割球囊经皮腔内冠状动脉血管成形术治疗对角支开口病变47例

    Cutting balloon coronary angioplasty treats 47 patients with diagonal branches ostial lesion

  3. LAD的主要分支有对角支和室间隔支。

    The major branches of the LAD artery are the diagonal and septal perforating arteries .

  4. 方法25~3kg家兔16只,随机分为2组,对照组(control):单纯结扎冠状动脉左对角支;

    Methods Sixteen rabbits ( 2.5 ~ 3 kg ) were randomly divided into two groups , control group : only left coronary artery was occluded ;

  5. 结果:①前间隔AMI患者前降支闭塞位置大都发生在第1间隔支和第1对角支开口远端,且单支病变多见。

    Results : ① The location of the LAD coronary artery occlusion occured at distal to the origin of the first septal breach ( S1 ) and the first diagonal branch ( D1 ) in the most of the patients with anteroseptal AMI .

  6. 选民转而支持左派.分离左冠状动脉左前降支,第二对角支远端结扎。

    Voters have / Voting has swung to the left . Left descending arteries were ligated at the distal side of the second diagonal branch .

  7. 分叉病变部位:前降支和对角支处分叉病变29例,回旋支和钝缘支处分叉病变16例,左心室后侧支与后降支处分叉病变8例。

    29 bifurcation lesions were related to left anterior descending artery and diagonal branch artery . 16 bifurcation lesions were in left circumflex and obtuse marginal branch position .

  8. 其中前降支占40%,对角支和钝缘支分别占27%和22.3%,回旋支为6.7%,右冠(后降支)5.0%。

    The location in left anterior descending artery was 40 % , diagonal artery 27 % , left obtuse marginal branch 22.3 % , left circumflex artery 6.7 % , right coronary artery 5 % .

  9. 分叉病变的类型为前降支/对角支62例(54.9%),左冠状动脉主干分叉病变32例(28.3%),回旋支/钝缘支18例(15.9%),右冠状动脉远端分叉病变1例。

    Sixty-two of the bifurcation lesions were located in LAD / diagonal ( 54.9 % ), 32 in distal left main coronary arteries ( 28.3 % ), 18 in LCX / OM ( 15.9 % ) and 1 distal RCA ( 0.9 % ) .