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The Quality Examination for the Electrified Railway Subgrade and Foundation in the Jiaozhou - Jinan Railway
Subgrade and foundation engineering is a kind of concealed work , which is located under the ground surface .
Using Green function to solve the displacement of half of the plane , the boundary integral formula is derived . This formula can be used to analyze the reciprocity between ground and base .
± 500 kV Direct Current Transmission Line Ground and Foundation Design in Frozen Earth Area
The dynamic interaction between saturated soil and Timoshenko beam is an issue belonging to the dynamic and static contact problems of soil and structures , it is a supplement for the research field of interaction between ground and foundation .
The Teaching Experiences in the Course of Vocational Ground and Foundation
Subsoil and Foundation Interaction Analysis of Zhongguancun Science & Trade Center
Analysis for anti-seismic reliability of highway bridge 's foundations
An Example on Dealing with the Bridge Foundation Break
An Inquiry into Design of Composite Ground and Foundation of Mixed Soil-Cement Piles
Code for design of steel storage tanks sub-grade and foundation in petrochemical enterprises
Design of foundation and ground of residential plot
Object-Oriented Ground and Foundation Code Knowledge Base Programming
Surface ground curvature deformation on mining area and base and foundation of lined building
Infrastructure projects s include the design and construction for the foundation of the building .
The Computer Graphic Processing Technology Applied in Design and Calculation of Ground and Foundation Engineering
Perfect safety monitoring system is installed to ensure the safety of the foundation and groundsill .
Structural design consultation on industrial & civil building project , design consultation on groundwork and foundation project .
Loess base and foundation
The author has built a groundwork and foundation design modal base with the OOP language ( C + + ) .
The interaction problem between elastic half-space and foundation is the special case . Because of the complexity , the analysis about it is very few .
Considering the interactions between the embedded foundation and the soil , the torsional vibrations of a rigid cylindrical foundation partially embedded in transversely isotropic saturated soil are analysed .
Based on the object-oriented programming method , the knowledge base of ground and foundation code have been constructed by using the object oriented programming language C + + .
Two computational results of the foundation may occur , the occurrence of overvalue of foundation reaction at certain points and that of tensile force on the soil foundation interface .
Applying the method , the design scheme of groundwork and foundation is more applicable and economical by considering together the quality , time limit for a project and cost .
This paper briefly introduces the arrangement of controlling points and observing points and the method of observing in the course of observing the settlement and horizontal displacement of the foundation .
We can further discuss the influences of the parameters and the load of the linear basis under columns by changing them regularly , and analyze the regulation of the interaction of foundation and the beam .
Computer graphic processing technology ( including screen display , character processing , printout ect . ) , and the method applied in design and calculation of ground and foundation engineering , and intergration technology are discussed in this article .
The engineering of bridge foundation in deep water combine the process of design with construction . The foundation under water will be acted by the surrounding water it can bring out some problems to the technology of design and construction .
On the basis of observation data of deformation and failure characteristics of the bunker and the support structure , the paper discusses the stress analysis of the base and foundation of the bunker as well as the stress state of the indeterminate structure .