
  1. 此参数指示命令忽略exchange命令行管理程序的默认收件人作用域设置,而使用整个林作为作用域。

    This parameter instructs the command to ignore the default recipient scope setting for the exchange management shell and use the entire forest as the scope .

  2. 在启用安全特性时,可以指定–password选项;还可以用–nostop选项指示命令不停止WebSphereApplicationServer。

    With options , you can specify â" pa ssword when security is enabled or â" nostop to tell the command not to stop WebSphere Application Server .

  3. 指示命令行解释器尝试执行/usr/bin目录中的文件python2.5。

    Found in the / usr / bin directory .

  4. 一个可变数目的参数,他们将按照指示命令转化为文本。

    A variable number of arguments to be converted to text as dictated by the format string .

  5. 如果你有一长行的代码,代码会在页面上长长地显示出来,因为没有指示命令代码叠起来。

    If you have a long line of code , it will run off the page because there are no instructions which tell the code to wrap .

  6. 这种雇佣型态已不同于传统民法和劳动法界定的雇员在雇主的直接指示命令和监督下向雇主提供劳务的雇佣型态。并且,劳务派遣与承揽截然不同。

    So the Labor Dispatching is triune employment form that differs from traditional form in which the employee service for the employer under his instruction and supervision directly .

  7. 如果禁止exchange命令行管理程序的此默认行为,您需要指示该命令在命令执行期间禁止显示所有确认提示。

    If you suppress this default behavior of the exchange management shell , you instruct the command to suppress all confirmation prompts for the duration of that command .

  8. 但下达这一指示的命令还需再做评估。

    But the order issuing this instruction also called for a review .

  9. 明确的指示、命令、规定等

    Positive instructions , orders , rules , etc

  10. 此门不得打开。(表示指示,命令)

    This door is not to be opened .

  11. 包含郑重的指示或者命令。

    Containing a solemn charge or command .

  12. 在命令结果中设置的异常指示执行命令失败。

    An exception set in the command result indicates a failure to execute the command .

  13. 在彼此不一致的指示和命令下工作。

    Work under repugnant prescription and order .

  14. 命令;下令;指示他命令部队发起进攻。

    He commanded his troops to attack .

  15. 您需要做的就是将作业放回到后台;bg命令的作业指示与fg命令相同,它的作用就是将作业放回到后台。

    What you need to do is place the job in the background ; a bg command takes the same type of job specification as the fg command and does exactly that .

  16. 命令最后说:“一切指示与本命令相抵触者均属无效。”

    " All directives opposing this ," the order concluded ," are invalid . "

  17. 没有指示,没有命令,射击停止了,德国士兵和英国士兵相聚在无人地带。

    Without any instruction or command , the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man 's Land .

  18. 指示向前进位的命令。

    The command directing that a carry be forwarded .

  19. 指示,要求;命令。

    To instruct or urge authoritatively ; command .

  20. 现在有些干部对上面的指示不执行,命令不服从。

    Now we have some cadres who don 't carry out directives or obey orders from above .

  21. 充斥正面情绪的心智,可以随心所欲,传达指示给潜意识,命令潜意识即刻接受遵行。

    A mind so dominated may , at will , give the subconscious mind instructions , which it will accept and act upon immediately .

  22. (计算机科学)出现在计算机屏幕上指示计算机准备接受命令的符号。

    ( computer science ) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command .