
  • 网络pointer variable
  1. 本文给出关于该问题的一种使用四个指针变量的有效算法。

    An efficient algorithm using four pointer variables for the problem is presented in this paper .

  2. 指针变量和存储模型紧密相关,不能简单地作为数值型变量予以处理。

    Since pointer variables have a strong tie with memory models , they cannot simply be treated as numeric variables .

  3. 试论双重指针变量在C语言程序设计中的使用

    The Statement on Usage of Double Pointer Variable in C Programming Language

  4. C语言中指针变量的双重信息在指针教学中的作用

    On the dual - informative role of pointer variable of C-language in pointer Teaching

  5. 介绍了作者在C语言教学中,运用指针变量的双重信息来帮助学生对指针变量这一概念的理解及正确引用。

    The essay introduces the author 's application of the dual-information of pointer variable in C-language in helping the students to comprehend and adopt pointer variable correctly .

  6. 强调了指针变量的特殊性,对数组中的地址定级,从指针的级与数组维数对应关系角度,阐明了C语言中多维数组指针处理技术及其应用。

    Stressing the property of pointer , setting level to array 's address , starting from the relationship between the level of pointer and the dimension of array , the paper reveals the pointer process of multi - dimensional array in C language and its application .

  7. 然而,它是这两个函数的相互作用,利用一个全球性的指针变量叫做namestr,它会导致渗漏和不断摆动的指针。

    However , it is the interaction of these two functions and using a global pointer variable called namestr that causes both the leak and the dangling pointer .

  8. 指针变量未正确赋值之前就引用;

    Before indicator variable not correct evaluation quotes .

  9. 分析包含指针变量的程序一直是静态测试中需要解决的一个难题。

    How to analyze programs that contain pointers is a hard problem in static testing .

  10. 指针变量的编译和运行

    Compilation and Running of Pointer Variable

  11. 数组的长度是固定,但可借助指针变量来实现数组的动态存储;

    Dynamical storage of array was completed using pointer variable though the length of array is changeless ;

  12. 使得数组名作函数参数和普通变量、指针变量作函数参数可以统一起来理解、掌握。

    So we can understand and master array name as parameter together with ordinary variable and pointer variable as parameter .

  13. 作为函数参数的指针变量,可以改变所指向的主调函数变量的值;

    The pointer variant playing as the function parameters can change the value of the pointed variant in the call function .

  14. 对指针变量以及过程间的数据的分析是嵌套式语言全程分析的关键问题之一。

    The analysis of pointer variable and inter procedure data is one of the key problem in the whole program analysis of nested language .

  15. 提取以指针变量为基础所得到的优化分析结果中的可行方案,利用正交试验法,形成四因素三水平的正交试验表。

    Based on orthogonal test , the schemes obtained by pre-analysis were extracted , then , the datas formed orthogonal experiment table comprising four-factor three-level .

  16. 该技术通过针对引用类型变量和指针变量的上下文敏感分析,能够比较精确地分析面向对象语言中诸如对象元素、数组元素等复杂数据结构元素的绑定时间,进而扩大了部分求值的作用范围。

    By tracing context-sensitivity of reference variables and pointer variables , the new approach can deal with elements of partly static data structure , such as attributes of each object and elements of each array .

  17. 一些较小的失误和几乎不被发觉的编码错误――比如指针偏差或者变量未初始化――可能会带来严重的后果。

    Minor lapses and barely-detectable coding errors such as misaligned pointers or uninitialized variables can have enormous consequences .

  18. 为了提高数据流的精度,介绍了一些提高数据流精度的方法,比如指针分析、变量别名分析等等。

    In order to improve the accuracy of the data flow analysis , some methods are introduced , such as pointer analysis , alias analysis and so on .

  19. ATL实际上仅仅把一个IUnknown接口指针存储在成员变量mspUnkSite中。

    ATL , in fact , simply stores the IUnknown pointer to a member variable called m_spUnkSite .

  20. 这表示KMV模型仅考虑资产、负债、利率等变量,忽略了景气指针及公司治理变量而减低其预测能力。

    This indicates that the KMV model only considers the asset , liability and interest rate variable but neglects the business indicator and corporate governance variables , so its predictability reduces .

  21. 针对包含指针以及结构类型变量的程序路径,我们提出了以变量关系图为基础,结合符号执行对其进行分析的方法。

    To evaluate a program path that contains pointer variables , the thesis explores the methods of how to evaluate paths that contains pointers and structure variables .

  22. 指针赋值只应在其他指针或长型变量之间执行。

    Pointer assignment should only be performed between other pointers or variables of type long .

  23. 阐述了二级指针的概念,把二级指针分成指向指针变量的指针和指向数组的指针两种情况,讨论了二级指针变量与二级指针数据的用法与区别。

    Explains the concept of second rank pointer , divides the second rank pointer into two conditions , which are the pointer indicating to variable and those indicating to array , discusses the difference between second rank pointer variable and second rank pointer data , and their usage .