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ēn yuàn
  • resentment;old scores;feeling of gratitude or resentment;past kindness and grudge
恩怨 [ēn yuàn]
  • (1) [past kindness and grudge;old scores]∶感恩之情与仇怨之情

  • (2) [resentment]∶仇恨

恩怨[ēn yuàn]
  1. 杰弗里爵士对首相并无私人恩怨。

    Sir Geoffrey had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister .

  2. 说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。

    The idea that TV shows like ' Dallas ' or ' Dynasty ' represent typical American life is laughable

  3. 我没有牵扯到你们的私人恩怨里

    I 'm not getting involved in your personal vendettas .

  4. 这不是私人恩怨,这只是X。

    It 's not personal , It 's just X.

  5. 维珍澳洲航空公司(VirginAustralia)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)的对决早有大量资料可循,而维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)与其竞争对手英国航空公司(BritishAirways)多年来的历史恩怨同样出名。

    Virgin Australia 's battles with Qantas are well-documented , as is Virgin Atlantic 's long-standing rivalry with British Airways .

  6. 1978年,哈格曼在电视剧《朱门恩怨》中饰演德克萨州石油大亨JR尤鹰。

    In 1978 , he played the formidable Texas oil baron JR Ewing on Dallas .

  7. 据说水果姐会在霉霉的新歌《EndGame》MV中露面,可能这样一来两人的世纪恩怨就能了结了。

    Anyway , it seems like maybe the celeb conflict of the century might soon be over after it was rumoured Katy was going to appear in Taylor 's new music video for song End Game .

  8. 然而NBA依然是个高中,各种各样的拉帮结伙,恩恩怨怨和亦敌亦友,这一切在Instagram等社交媒体上一览无余。

    But the league is still unmistakably high school , with its cliques , feuds and frenemies , all of it amplified on Instagram .

  9. 正当我们以为赛琳娜·戈麦斯和海莉·鲍德温的恩怨要平息的时候,赛琳娜新歌《LoseYoutoLoveMe》和《LookatHerNow》的发布又引起了新的风波。

    Welp , just when we thought the Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin feud was dying down , another mini drama brewed up amid the release of Selena 's recent songs , " Lose You to Love Me " and " Look at Her Now . "

  10. 据NPR新闻的丽贝卡·亚伯拉罕报道,哈格曼最为人所熟知的角色是电视剧《朱门恩怨》中让美国人又爱又恨的那个男人。

    NPR 's Rebecca Abrahams reports Hagman was best known as the man Americans loved to hate , the star of the TV series , Dallas .

  11. 如想了解盖茨-乔布斯更多恩怨情仇,以及他们最终分道扬镳的内幕,请购买11月7日号出版的《财富》杂志(Fortune),或通过iTunes商店订购该刊iPad版本。

    To read more about the fascinating gates-jobs relationship , and their poignant final hours together , pick up the November 7 issue of fortune or purchase the iPad edition of the issue in the iTunes Store .

  12. 但是明星之间的恩恩怨怨怎么可能会因此沉寂呢。真人秀明星卡戴珊又激起新的导火索,任其大火熊熊,简直是《待到梦醒时分》(WaitingtoExhale)中安吉拉·贝塞特(AngelaBassett)本人。

    But , of course , sleeping celebrity feuds don 't lie , so the reality TV star essentially just set a match and watched it all burn behind her à la Angela Bassett in " Waiting To Exhale . "

  13. 在亚利桑那州格伦代尔的ReputationStadiumTour巡回演唱会上,28岁的霉霉和粉丝讲述了“几年前”和金·卡戴珊(KimKardashian)的恩怨情仇,与观众亲密分享了当时的艰难生活。

    During her Reputation Stadium Tour opening night show in Glendale , Arizona , the 28-year-old star opened up to her fans in an intimate moment about going through a difficult time " a couple of years ago " while alluding to her feud with Kim Kardashian West .

  14. 你不应当作私人恩怨处理。

    But don 't take the law into your own hands .

  15. 最好的对策是不要介入他人的私人恩怨。

    Don 't get involved in other people 's private doings .

  16. 这不是个人恩怨,是我的工作。

    It 's not a vendetta , it 's my job .

  17. 民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。

    Personal enmity must be forget at a time of national crisis .

  18. 不是私人恩怨,但是我不相信你。

    Nothing personal , but I don 't trust you .

  19. 我们要忘掉个人恩怨,杰森。

    We 've got to ignore the personal history here , jason .

  20. 我计划做玉米花,看朱门恩怨。

    I plan on making popcorn and watching doctor demensia .

  21. 你我的恩怨,都不算什么

    You and me , it doesn 't really matter .

  22. “他对你有没有什么私人的恩怨?”

    " Had m.de Villefort any cause of personal dislike to you ?"

  23. 一切恩怨注定以这种方式了结

    This is the way it 's supposed to end .

  24. 这可不是什么私人恩怨。在商言商。

    It 's not personal . It 's just business .

  25. 要在那里结束我们的恩怨。

    And it will end where it all began .

  26. 而不是在这牢骚我和他的个人恩怨。

    Not in here bitching about personal petty shit between me and him .

  27. 放轻松。这可不是什么私人恩怨,只是政治。

    Chill out . It 's not personal . It 's just politics .

  28. 这与个人恩怨无关伙计们,听我说。

    It 's nothing personal . Fellers , listen .

  29. 所以这是我们的私人恩怨?

    So this is something personal , is it ?

  30. 他把重点放在他的跟欧文恩怨。

    He 's focusing on his shpilkes with irwin .