
ēn dé
  • kindness;grace;favour;benevolence
恩德 [ēn dé]
  • [benevolence;favour] 恩惠

恩德[ēn dé]
  1. 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。

    Some day I will reciprocate your kindness to me .

  2. 如今,潘与荷兰的电视节目制作巨头恩德摩尔公司推出了一个名为ICON的全球在线视频站。

    Today , Phan launched a global online video network called ICON in collaboration with Dutch production giant Endemol .

  3. 弗雷斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)的科技分析师J·P·高恩德(J.P.Gownder)称,平板电脑生产商似乎还没为人们升级到新平板的频率确立一个稳定的模式。

    J.P. Gownder , a technology analyst for Forrester Research , said that it appeared tablet makers had not established a steady pattern for how often people upgrade to new tablets .

  4. 针对18万t/a合成氨装置采用恩德粉煤气化技术进行改造后,变换气中CO2含量增加以及生产运行中存在的问题,对NHD脱碳系统进行了配套改造;

    In allusion to that the CO_2 content in the shift gas was increased and the problem was caused during the productive operation , after ammonium synthesis plant has been reformed by using the Ende pulverized coal gasification technology , complete reformation was made for NHD carbon removal system ;

  5. “我可以转达您的歉意吗,陛下?”达恩德问到。

    Shall I convey your regrets , sire ? Asked darned .

  6. 恩德粉煤气化技术的工程设计与生产运行

    Engineering Design and Operational Practice of Undok Pulverized Coal Gasification Technology

  7. 忘恩负义是一种软弱的表现;明智的人不会忘记别人的恩德

    Ingratitude is a kind of weakness ; clever men are not ungrateful

  8. 那样的话,我们最好选择恩德比综合学校。

    In that case , we are best off at Enderby Comprehensive .

  9. 恩德比高中设施不多,但它以学术为主。

    Enderby High has a little , but they are mostly academic .

  10. 恩德炉煤种和煤质对气化反应至关重要。

    Coal type and quality are extremly important for gasification in Ender furnace .

  11. “海盗们不会驶进伤心地,”杨恩德里说。

    " The pirates will not sail into the Sorrows ," said Yandry .

  12. 用恩德炉煤气生产甲醇的可行性

    Feasibility Producing Methanol with Gas Made by Ende Gasifier

  13. 恩德粉煤气化炉的设计与应用

    Design and Application for Undok Pulverized Coal Gasifier

  14. 通过实际运行情况,分析恩德粉煤气化工艺存在的不足之处。

    An analysis is made through actual Operation of the shortcomings of this technology .

  15. 大津巴布韦国家遗迹恩德贝勒(文)〖津巴布韦〗

    Great Zimbabwe National Monument Ndebele ( language )

  16. 一会儿就连杨恩德里也停止了撑篙。

    After a time even Yandry stopped pushing .

  17. 恩德粉煤气化与固定层富氧连续气化的应用比较

    Application Comparison Between Ender Pulverized Coal Gasification and Continuous Fixed-Bed Gasification With Enriched Air

  18. 恩德比高中很不错。

    Well , Enderby High is very good .

  19. 恩德比综合学校和圣玛丽学校也没有高出多少,大约10%。

    And Enderby Comprehensive and Saint Mary 's not much more , about 10 % .

  20. 恩德炉洗涤除尘灰水阻垢处理总结

    Sum-Up of Inhibition Treatment of Ash Water from Scrubbing of Dust Collector of Ende Gasifier

  21. 今晚他将面对德国队中场大将贝恩德•施奈德。

    Tonight he 'll face an equally-formidable opponent in Germany 's right-sided midfielder Bernd Schneider .

  22. 所有对未来表现的准确推测都基于对过去恩德相关表现的了解。

    All informed predictions of future performance are based upon some knowledge of relevant past performance .

  23. 恩德的妇女取得尊荣;强暴的男子取得赀财。

    A gracious woman lays hold of honor , and violent men lay hold of riches .

  24. 语言:英语为官方语言,绍纳语和恩德贝莱语为通用民族语言。

    Language : English is the official language , But Shona and Ndebele are widely spoken .

  25. 达恩德发出了信号,汽车挂上档,响了两声喇叭。

    At a signal from Darned , the cars started down the drive , sounding their Klaxons .

  26. 恩德粉煤气化炉在双甲工艺合成氨系统应用的技术经济分析

    Technical economy analysis about application of powder coal gasification furnace on synthetic ammonia system of methane-methanol technology

  27. 恩德比似乎有五所中学,三所公立,两所私立。

    It appears there are five secondary schools in Enderby , three state schools and two private .

  28. 介绍恩德粉煤气化工艺、技术特点及在工程设计中的应用。

    The Undok pulverized coal gasification technology , its characteristics and application in engineering design were introduced .

  29. 提利昂把掰开两片饼干夹着培根,给了在舵柄边的杨恩德里一份。

    Tyrion pulled apart two biscuits , filled them with bacon , and carried one to Yandry at the tiller .

  30. 一年一度,瑞士阿彭泽尔州的男人们都要聚到格梅恩德广场(行制宪会议)一起为公众议题投票。

    Men of Appenzell , Switzerland , gather to vote on public issues at the annual Landsgemeinde ( constitutional assembly ) .