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tì shēn
  • standing;stand-in;substitute;replacement;scapegoat
替身 [tì shēn]
  • (1) [substitute;replacement;standing]∶剧本要求有特技,而演员本身又不具备时,一个和演员酷似而又能代替他出色演出的人

  • (2) [substitute]∶代替别人做某事的人

  • (3) [scapegoat]∶代人受罪的人;替罪羊

替身[tì shēn]
  1. 爱米莉从他身边给夺走后,他便找了一个替身。

    When Emily was torn from him he took a substitute .

  2. 一位主角受伤了,就派来了一位替身。

    A substitute was sent in when one of the star players was injured .

  3. 一位布里斯托机器人实验室的机器人专家设计让机器人将名为“人机者”的人类替身救出险境。

    A roboticist at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory programmed a robot to save human proxies called " H-bots " from danger .

  4. “替身”(bodydouble)通指在录像带或电影等作品中代替知名演员出演某一角色的替身演员。Bodydouble这个词多用来指代“裸替”。

    A body double is a general term for someone who substitutes for the credited actor of a character in any recorded visual medium , whether videotape or film .

  5. 具体情况不同,“替身”的说法也不同,危险或复杂场景的替身叫做stuntdouble(特技替身)。

    The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe ( or nearly ) shots involving nudity . More specific terms are often used in special cases ; a stunt adjustments .

  6. 那位做电影演员替身的杂技演员驾驶着飞机翻过来又倒过去,差一点撞着平顶房的屋顶。

    The stuntman flew the aircraft upside-down within a hair 's breadth of the rooftops .

  7. 人类AIDS的研究替身&非人灵长类动物模型

    The Scapegoat of Human AIDS Research : Non-human Primate Models

  8. 协同环境中3D替身交互行为动态控制的实现

    Realization of Dynamic Control of the Interactive Actions among Users in the Collaborative Virtual Environment

  9. 如果你在做基于虚拟替身的通信,所有虚拟替身的3D模型都存储在每台机器上。

    The reason is if you 're doing an avatar-based communication , all the 3D models for the avatars are stored locally on each machine .

  10. EAI技术在NetVE中的应用&引入玩家替身

    Application of EAI Technique in NetVE-Introduction to Player 's Avatar

  11. 给出VRML场景中的智能替身模型,使得替身可以更好的理解用户的意图。

    We present an intelligent avatar in VRML worlds which can understand users intentions more precisely .

  12. 双子替身F号是日本大阪大学知名机器人设计专家石黑浩发明的,售价11万美金。

    Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro , a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in Japan . Geminoid F is sale for $ 110000 .

  13. XPath是数据绑定很好的替身,但是这种API天生具有一定程度的结构。

    XPath is a great stand-in for data binding , but a certain degree of structure is inherent in the API .

  14. 这部机器人名为“双子替身F号”,她体内安装了机械制动器,她的“皮肤”是橡胶的,她可以模仿人类的微笑、皱眉和咧嘴大笑等动作,尽管,她看起来有些茫然。

    Geminoid F , using mechanical actuators underneath her rubber " skin , " can smile , furrow her brows and move her mouth - although she often looks rather dazed .

  15. 当电影中摄像机以这种方式拍摄时,观众可以扫视到一个区域的全貌(动词)镜头切换,即电影中的一个镜头突然转换成另一个镜头(动词)bodydouble(n.)替身演员(名词)

    when a movie camera takes a shot this way , the audience takes in a sweeping view of an area cut ( v. ) when one shot in a movie suddenly changes to another one

  16. 为解决VRML不能检测物体间的碰撞的问题,提出了基于浏览者替身的碰撞检测方法。

    To solve the problem of detecting the collision between the VRML objects the thesis provides a method which detects collision with the viewer 's agent .

  17. 那是我的替身gabe。

    That 's my stand-in , gabe .

  18. 目前,部分CSCW应用系统通过向虚拟协同环境CVEs中添加3D替身来提高用户之间的协同感和交互感。

    At present , in some CSCW application systems the way by adding 3D avatars into the CVEs to improve the interaction and collaboration has been advanced .

  19. 之后在2011年,开始有陌生人说伯恩斯和LadyGaga长相惊人的相似,于是她决定利用自己相像的外形开启Gaga替身的职业生涯。

    Then in 2011 , strangers began to comment on Natalie 's uncanny resemblance to Lady Gaga and she used her likeness to launch a career as a doppelganger .

  20. ZDF称区分真的萨达姆和他的替身是非常困难的。

    ZDF said it was difficult to tell which were the doubles and which was the real Saddam .

  21. 她根本不是“vogue”杂志美国版主编安娜温图尔(annawintour),而是一个替身,真正的温图尔女士已经飞回美国,以抗议欧洲时装周时间过长。

    Not American vogue editor Anna Wintour at all but an impersonator , the real MS Wintour having flown back to the US in protest at the length of the European season .

  22. 据介绍,“Googleganger(谷歌替身)”是根据(德语)doppelganger(面貌相似的人)一词改造而来,指的是在Google上搜索自己时发现的与自己同名同姓的人。

    A play on " doppelganger ," the word is " a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself ," according to the society .

  23. 这是个绝对独特的三维社区,基于虚拟替身、免费下载、免费使用,直接从XMB界面启动。

    " Its a unique real-time3D community " . Avatar based , free to download , free to use and launched directly through the XMB .

  24. 但经研究发现,其场景中所有的替身只是在用户的控制下机械地使用VRML中提供的行为机制进行运动,替身之间也不存在交互行为,用户交互程度仍然不足。

    But after study , we found that all the avatars can only use the actions provided by VRML player to move within the CVEs under the commands ordered by the users , and there is no interaction among avatars , so the interaction degree is still not enough .

  25. 这位“替身”模仿了布什最难说对的词:“Nu—cle—arproliferation…nu—cle—arproliferation.Nu—cle—arproliferation.”接着,布什试了试:“Nu-cle—arpro-boblieration.”众人都笑疯了。

    The double modeled for him one of his most difficult words to pronounce correctly , " Nu - cle - ar proliferation ... nu - cle - ar proliferation . Nu - cle - ar proliferation . " Then Bush tried it , " Nu-cle - ar pro-boblieration . " The crowd went wild .

  26. 我不是加菲,我是他的替身。

    I 'm not Garfield , I 'm his stunt double .

  27. 替身演员必须要长得像他们饰演的明星。

    Stunt people must resemble the stars they stand in for .

  28. 这个总统开始用他的替身在许多公共场合露面。

    The president has started using look-alikes during some public appearances .

  29. 在正式拍摄一个场景之前,她常常充当演员的替身。

    She often stands in before a scene is being filmed .

  30. 在酒吧打工期间被选为艾伦的替身。

    In a bar during work was selected as Alan double .