• replace;substitute for;supply the place of;decline
  • for;on behalf of
  • 代,代理:代~。更(gēng )~。。~班。~身。~罪羊。

  • 为,给:~他送行。~古人担忧。

  • 衰废:兴(xīng )~。衰~。


(代替) replace; substitute for; supply [take] the place of:

  • 接替

    replace; take over;

  • 用塑料来代替木材或金属

    use plastics in place of wood or metal;

  • 你歇会儿, 我来替你。

    Have a rest. I'll take over.

  • 谁来替她呢?

    Who will take her place?


[书] (衰败) decline:

  • 衰替

    fall; decline;

  • 历代兴替

    rise and fall of dynasties


(为)for; on behalf of:

  • 替人受罪

    suffer for sb. else;

  • 别替我担心。

    Don't worry about me.

  1. 结论小儿硬膜外腔注入曲马多2mg/kg和lmg/kg与吗啡0.04mg/kg效果相似,可替带吗啡用于术后镇痛。

    Conclusion The analgesic effects with tramadol 2mg / kg and Img / kg epidural injection were the same as with morphine 0.04mg/kg epidural injection , and can replace morphine for postoperative analgesia .

  2. 美国国内能源开发的繁荣引发了激烈辩论,其主题是:20年后霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)等世界关键航道是否仍将由美国来确保畅通?对于中东原油进口依赖度正在迅速上升的中国,是否将接替美国的这一角色?

    That domestic production boom has triggered intense debate over whether the US would still guard the world 's critical sea lanes , such as the Strait of Hormuz in two decades " time - or whether China , whose dependence on Middle Eastern crude imports is rapidly rising - would replace it .

  3. 请替我把这送到银行去好吗?

    Take this to the bank for me , would you ?

  4. 我的秘书很会替我推掉不相干的电话。

    My secretary is very good at filtering my calls .

  5. 别担心费用,我来替你付。

    Don 't worry about the cost ─ I 'll treat you .

  6. 请你替我把这封信寄出去行吗?

    Will you send this letter for me , please ?

  7. 别替他们的婚事操心了——那不关你的事。

    Stop worrying about their marriage ─ it isn 't your problem .

  8. 我再也不替她做事了,给多少钱也不做!

    I wouldn 't work for her again ─ not at any price !

  9. 我去买份报纸,你能替我照看一下我的包吗?

    Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper ?

  10. 政府将继续替一些学生缴纳学费。

    The government will continue to pick up college fees for some students .

  11. 请替我向全家致意。

    Give my good wishes to the family .

  12. 多谢你替我把那封信寄了——省得我跑一趟。

    Thanks for sending that letter for me ─ it saved me a trip .

  13. 女士们,我可以替你们拿大衣吗?

    Can I take your coats , ladies ?

  14. 她可凭看手纹替你算命。

    She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand .

  15. 别老觉得自己委屈了,也替别人想一想吧。

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change .

  16. 人们指责报章企图替政府决定政务的轻重缓急。

    Newspapers have been accused of trying to set the agenda for the government .

  17. 请把这封信替我寄了好吗?

    Could you post this letter for me ?

  18. 替我向利兹问好。

    Say hello to Liz for me .

  19. 没有人站出来替他辩护。

    Nobody spoke out in his defence .

  20. 我无意让别人替我工作。

    I 'm not in the business of getting other people to do my work for me .

  21. 他的父母同意替他付房租,其他的则让他自己解决。

    His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself .

  22. 你不能替孩子过活,只能在出现问题时帮忙解决。

    You cannot live your children 's lives for them ; you can only be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong .

  23. 一个行李搬运工替她扛了3个大包。

    A porter relieved her of the three large cases .

  24. 必须有人替孩子着想,把他放在第一位。

    Somebody has to think for the child and put him first .

  25. 看起来是一个无辜的旁观者当了你的替死鬼。

    It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you .

  26. 去宾馆替我们办理好入住手续,然后等我的电话。

    Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call .

  27. 他替下了受伤的威廉·威尔士。

    He was substituting for the injured William Wales .

  28. 还记得那次我生病,她替我接女儿吗?

    Remember that time she picked up my daughter when I was ill ?

  29. 30日那天你必须替亚历克斯交一些钱。

    On the 30th you must without fail hand in some money for Alex

  30. 我会设法替他省下要从珀斯飞来的机票费用。

    I 'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth