首页 / 词典 / good

  • near;close;approaching;approximately;nigh
  • 距离短,与“远”相对:接~。附~。靠~。~路。~景。舍~求远。~在眉睫。~朱者赤,~墨者黑。~水楼台。

  • 现在以前不久的时间:~况。~来。~代。~岁。~闻。~照。~体诗。

  • 亲密:亲~。~亲。~臣。平易~人。

  • 差别小,差不多:接~。相~。

  • 浅显:言~旨远。


(空间或时间距离短) near; close:

  • 近百年史

    the history of the last hundred years;

  • 近几年来

    in recent years;

  • 歌声由远而近。

    The singing came closer and closer.

  • 靠近些。

    Come closer.

  • 离国庆日很近了。

    National Day is drawing near.; It'll soon be National Day.

  • 他讲课总是由近及远, 由浅入深。

    His lectures always proceed from the close to the distant and from the elementary to the profound.


(接近) approaching; approximately; close to:

  • 年近60

    approaching sixty;

  • 平易近人

    amiable and easy of approach;

  • 观众近万人。

    There were nearly 10,000 spectators.

  • 时近午夜。

    It was close upon midnight.


(亲近; 关系密切) intimate; closely related:

  • 两家关系挺近。

    The two families are on intimate terms.


[书] (浅近; 浅显) easy to understand:

  • 浅近

    simple and easy to understand;

  • 言近旨远

    simple in language but profound in meaning


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 近公义

    Jin Gongi

  1. 学校这么近真是太方便了。

    It was a great convenience to have the school so near .

  2. 别站得离火那么近——你的外衣都快烤焦了!

    Don 't stand so near the fire ─ your coat is scorching !

  3. 远处的人影好像越来越近。

    The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer .

  4. 近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。

    This issue has had a high profile in recent months .

  5. 每一章都附有参考书目,引用文献近至2004年。

    Each chapter is referenced , citing literature up to 2004 .

  6. 这一盛事将向近150个城市同时进行电视广播。

    The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities .

  7. 炮火声太近,让人恐慌不安。

    The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort .

  8. 这房子距离学校和体育设施都很近。

    The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities .

  9. 我们的营地离这里很近。

    Our camp is only a short haul from here .

  10. 海滩离我家很近,走几步路就到了。

    The beach is within walking distance of my house .

  11. 你好像和老板走得挺近的!

    You seem to be very thick with the boss !

  12. 她近几个月以来身体明显好多了。

    She has visibly blossomed over the last few months .

  13. 我不知道海滩原来这么近。

    I had no idea the beach was so close .

  14. 汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。

    The car slowed down as it approached the junction .

  15. 他们的音乐近几年非常商业化了。

    Their music has become very commercialized in recent years .

  16. 近几个月来这个问题又成为热点。

    The problem has come to the fore again in recent months .

  17. 看他的外表,谁也想不到他年近五十了。

    To look at him you 'd never think he was nearly fifty .

  18. 罢工使近4000名工人闲着没事干。

    The strikes have idled nearly 4 000 workers .

  19. 这位军官被近距离开枪打死。

    The officer was shot dead at point-blank range .

  20. 我们家离车站很近。

    Our house is very handy for the station .

  21. 按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。

    Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year .

  22. 尼日利亚有近1亿人口。

    Nigeria has a population of nearly 100 million .

  23. 别把那只玻璃杯放在离桌边太近的地方。

    Don 't put that glass so near the edge of the table .

  24. 她站得离火太近,有危险。

    She was standing dangerously close to the fire .

  25. 那次近距离的射门被守门员截住了。

    The close-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper .

  26. 丹麦的纸张回收率近85%。

    Denmark recycles nearly 85 % of its paper .

  27. 考虑到迎面而来的车辆,他把自己的前灯调为近光。

    He dipped his headlights for the oncoming traffic .

  28. 近几年发生了许多变化。

    There have been many changes in recent years .

  29. 近1000名学生挤到礼堂里。

    Nearly 1 000 students jammed into the hall .

  30. 与会者有近200人。

    There were nearly 200 people at the meeting .