
  • 网络Near infrared spectroscopy;nirs;Nir
  1. 近红外光谱法在中药原粉制剂均匀度控制中的应用

    Application of NIRS in uniformity control of raw powder preparation of Chinese herbal drugs

  2. 近红外光谱法快速测定土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量

    Using NIRS to Predict the Content of Available Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Potassium in Soil

  3. 近红外光谱法定量分析维生素E

    The Quantitative Determination of Vitamin E by Near-Infrared Absorption Spectrometry

  4. 近红外光谱法血氧监测仪是光学CT成像仪研究的基础。

    Near infrared spectroscopic monitor of blood oxygenation is the base of optical computer tomography .

  5. 傅里叶变换近红外光谱法快速测定聚氯乙烯的K值

    Rapid Determination of K Value of Poly ( vinyl chloride ) by FT-NIR Spectroscopy Method

  6. 近红外光谱法(NIR)快速诊断蔬菜中有机磷农药残残留

    Rapid Indentification of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Leaf-vegetable by FT-NIR

  7. 基于近红外光谱法的木材原料的Kohonen网络分类法

    Kohonen Network Discrimination of Wood Materials Based on NIR Spectroscopy

  8. 应用近红外光谱法(NIRS)预测绵羊日粮的营养状况

    The Use of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy ( NIRS ) to Predict the Diet Quality of Sheep

  9. 采取偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立起近红外光谱法快速测量植物纤维原料的甲氧基含量的模型。

    Rapid determination model of the methoxyl group content in plant fibrous material was established by the integration of near-infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares ( PLS ) .

  10. 用近红外光谱法预测木材中的水分含量,相关系数为0.99,校正标准偏差SEC和预测标准偏差SEP分别是0.041和0.043;

    Then the moisture contents in wood were predicted by NIR spectroscopy . The coefficient of determination is 0.99 ; and SEC and SEP are 0.041 and 0.043 respectively .

  11. 用声光可调滤光器(AOTF)-近红外光谱法在线分析黄芪水提液浓缩过程。

    An acoustooptic tunable filter ( AOTF ) - near infrared spectroscopy was established for on-line determination of concentration process of Astragalus mongholicus .

  12. 近红外光谱法应用改进的偏最小二乘(PLS)方法,建立了鱼粉中17种氨基酸的NIRS定标模型。

    The improved partial least squares ( PLS ) method was used in the Near Infrared Spectroscopy ( NIRS ) to build a NIRS calibration model of 17 amino acids in fish meal .

  13. 用近红外光谱法对5个大白菜品种从外向内分别测定每片叶片的叶柄及软叶的还原糖,Vc,NDF,CP,DW5种有机成分。

    Organic components including reduced sugars , vitamine C , neutral detergent fibre , crude protein , dry weight of 5 Chinese cabbage varieties were determined in leaf samples by means of near infrared spectrometry ( NIRS ) .

  14. 利用近红外光谱法(NIRS),根据广义郎伯特&比尔定律(Lambert-Beer)可以实现活体脑血氧浓度的无创伤测量。

    With the use of Near infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ), the noninvasive measurement of cerebral oxygen concentration can be achieved in vivo based on the Lambert Beer Law .

  15. 利用核磁共振碳谱和近红外光谱法研究了聚丙烯(PP)微观序列结构,建立了精确测定PP立构规整度的近红外数学模型。

    The sequential structure of polypropylene ( PP ) was studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance ( 13C - NMR ) and near - infrared ( NIR ) in this article . A NIR mathematical model was established for precisely determining the stereoregularity of PP.

  16. 应用偏最小二乘法结合近红外光谱法(NIRSPLS)对吡嗪酰胺片中吡嗪酰胺的含量进行了非破坏性定量分析。

    Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with partial least square fitting ( NIRSPLS ) was applied for nondestructive quantification of the content of Pyrazinamide in Pyrazinamide tablets .

  17. 近红外光谱法测定聚合反应液中的水含量

    Determination of Water Content in Polyreaction Liquid by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  18. 近红外光谱法测定喷气燃料的总硫含量

    Determination of total sulfur content of jet fuels by near-infrared spectrometer

  19. 近红外光谱法快速检测牛奶中氯霉素残留

    Rapid Analysis of Chloramphenicol Residue in Milk by Near Infrared Spectrometry

  20. 近红外光谱法快速测定加氢物料的双烯含量

    Fast Measurement of Alkadiene in Hydrogenation Material by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  21. 近红外光谱法测定玉米秸秆饲用品质

    Prediction of forage quality of maize stover by near infrared spectroscopy

  22. 近红外光谱法在玉米粗蛋白含量测定研究中的应用

    Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to determinate crude protein in maize

  23. 近红外光谱法快速评价苦参药材质量。

    Rapid quality evaluation of Radix sophorae flavescentis by NIR spectroscopy .

  24. 近红外光谱法预测粗皮桉木材的化学成分含量

    Prediction of chemical compositions of Eucalyptus pellita by near infrared spectroscopy

  25. 近红外光谱法测定三元混合物中氯苯的含量

    Determination of Chlorobenzene Concentration in Ternary Mixture by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  26. 近红外光谱法检测果汁中的富马酸

    Analysis of Fumaric Acid in Apple Juice Concentrated by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  27. 近红外光谱法快速分析罗红霉素片的含量

    Development of a Near IR Method for Rapid Determination of Roxithromycin Tabletes

  28. 近红外光谱法预测烟草中的纤维素含量

    Prediction of Cellulose Content in Tobacco with Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  29. 人工神经网络&近红外光谱法用于药物无损非破坏定量分析的研究

    Studies on Non-destructive Quantitative Analysis of Drugs Using ANN on NIR Spectroscopy

  30. 傅立叶近红外光谱法用于鹿茸的定性分析

    Application of Fourier Transform-Near Infrared Spectrometry to Qualitative Analysis of Pilose Antler