
  1. 大力加强近代汉字的研究

    Strengthening Energetically the Research on Modern Chinese Characters

  2. 近代汉字术语多在中-西-日语文互动中形成。

    Most modern Chinese terms are developed in the language interaction of Chinese , Western languages and Japanese .

  3. 近代汉字术语创制的两种类型&以“科学”、“哲学”为例

    Two Types of Rendering in Modern Chinese Terminology & taking the translation of " science " and " philosophy " as an example

  4. 略论近代日本新造汉字词汇移植中国及其影响

    On the Transplant of Modern Japanese Newly-coined Chinese Characters into China and Its Influence

  5. 历史上,日本曾大量吸收汉语词语,近代以后日本人利用汉字及其所表达的意义造了很多新词,其中一部分被汉语吸纳。

    In history , Japan has absorbed a great deal of Chinese Characters . After modern ages , Japanese create many words by using Chinese Characters and their expressive meaning . Part of them has been absorbed into Chinese .