
nèi bù zhōnɡ duàn
  • internal interrupt
  1. 除了在处理器间分配中断,多APIC系统允许CPU生成处理器内部中断。

    Besides distributing interrupts among processors , the multi-APIC system allows CPUs to generate interprocessor interrupts .

  2. 因为MSP430内部中断资源丰富,键盘扫描、温度转换、定时等均采用中断触发,减少了系统响应时间,提高了软件执行效率。

    As for the software design , main sub - programs , such as keyboard scanning , temperature measur - ing and timing , are all triggered by system interrupts . Therefore , it reduces system response time and improved working efficiency .

  3. 讨论了为ARM7处理器扩展PS2键盘接口的的实现方法,分别利用内部时钟中断和外部中断两种方式实现键盘处理的原理和过程,目的是能够实现灵活地根据系统需求的扩展系统。

    The method of expanding PS2 keyboard on the processor of ARM7 is discussed . The internal clock interruption and ex-interruption are used to realize the connection between the keyboard and the processor to expand the system agilely according to the system requirement .

  4. 文中阐述8259A的内部结构、中断操作功能和执行中断过程并介绍与单片机的接口电路和应用程序。

    In this paper , the internal structure , the interrupt operation functions and the execution interruption process of 8259A are expounded . It also introduced the 8259A-COC interface circuit and the application program about it .

  5. 这种扩展方法具有接口电路简单,软件实现容易,不耗费单片机内部资源,中断响应快的特点。

    This method of extending is of such characteristics as simple connection of circuits , easy design of software and consumption of no inner resources of the computer and fast response to interruption .