
  • 网络auto-power spectrum;power spectrum;auto power spectrum
  1. 在快速傅立叶变换(FFT)基础上计算自功率谱、互功率谱、频率响应函数、相干函数、倒频谱分析;

    Auto-power spectrum , cross-power spectrum , frequency response function , coherence function , cepstrum analysis based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transfer );

  2. 关于地震动平稳自功率谱模型的注记

    A note on stationary auto-power spectrum models for earthquake ground motion

  3. 提出直接由测试的结构自功率谱和计算的原点频响函数来构造遗传算法的目标函数,进行结构的损伤识别,在benchmark结构算例中,获得了很好的识别效果。

    So the target function of GA constructed by testing power spectrum and corresponding calculating FRF is presented , and used to identify the structures damage . In the example of benchmark structure , a good identification results is got .

  4. 直接从运动方程经Fourier变换导出频响函数矩阵,从而计算侧移和剪力响应的自功率谱密度函数矩阵,并采用Simpson积分公式求方差。

    The matrix of frequency response function is derived from the motion equation by Fourier transformation directly , then the matrices of self-power spectral density function of displacement and shear response are obtained . The variances of the matrices are computed by Simpson 's integral method .

  5. 自功率谱、互功率谱分析等。

    Auto-power spectrum , cross-power spectrum .

  6. 自功率谱分析;

    Own power chart analysis ;

  7. 通过干式空心并联电抗器的现场原型动力试验,得到该电抗器各方向的自功率谱曲线。

    The auto power spectrum curves of the dry parallel reactor are obtained from the prototype dynamic test .

  8. 对分离出的平稳随机振动自功率谱密度进行了归纳,得到了飞行器助推段的振动环境。

    The vibration environment of aircraft during lift-off was obtained by concluding the auto-spectra of stationary random vibration .

  9. 利用相函数的频谱分析求其自功率谱,可以反映它的频率结构。

    Using frequency spectrum analysis of phase function to calculate its auto power spectrum can reflect its frequency structure .

  10. 本文提出一种测量同频率正弦信号相位差的新方法:采样数字和自功率谱幅值校正相位差测量法。

    This paper presents a new method of measuring phase differencc : sampling numerical and self-power-spectrum amplitude correction method .

  11. 实验表明这种改进的互功率谱比值法与传统的自功率谱比值法的方法相比,动作模式识别率得到了提高。

    The result of experimentation shows that its recognition of movement was much better than the method using traditional Power Spectrum Coefficient .

  12. 互功率法包括自功率谱和互功率谱两种估算方法。本文把两种估算法结合在一个程序中,用于实际的大地电磁测深资料的处理,获得了一些令人满意的结果。

    The two estimation methods were combined in one program and then used in processing magnetotelluric sounding data , some satisfactory results being made .

  13. 通过自功率谱密度函数对衰减信号进行分类,针对不同的信号模式提出不同的近似熵计算方法进行结构的损伤识别。

    Decay signal is divided into various categories via auto power spectral density function , different ApEn methods are proposed according to different signal patterns .

  14. 相函数的自功率谱一般具有两个峰值频率,其相应的频率分量决定相函数的波峰特征。

    The auto power spectrum of phase function commonly has two extreme frequencies , and the corresponding frequency components decide the peak characteristics of phase function .

  15. 最后,本文依据自功率谱和互功率谱采用半功率点法计算各振型的阻尼比。

    Finally , the damping ratio of each mode is calculated by using the half-power point method on the basis of auto power spectrum and cross power spectrum .

  16. 单通道幅值谱分析、自功率谱分析的应用主要在于确定系统的固有频率和响应的大小。

    The application of single access self-capacity factor spectrum analysis and amplitude value spectrum analysis is to confirm the natural frequency and size the response of the bow system .

  17. 本文从自功率谱的角度讨论了振动表面局部辐射性质与声能量辐射。

    Abstract : From the point of view of the auto-spectrum , the local characteristic and the acoustical energy of radiation on a vibrating surface are theoretically studied in this paper .

  18. 研究了基于高斯线调频小波变换的能量谱方法。利用高斯线调频小波变换作信号的谱估计,比经典的自功率谱估计在齿轮局部故障诊断中取得了更好的效果。

    A study is made on the energy spectrum estimation approach based on Gaussian - chirplet-transform , which is superior to conventional power spectrum estimation in local fault diagnosis for gear .

  19. 在变切削参数的加工工况下,通过对振动信号的采集和频域处理,发现采用单一的自功率谱方法难以有效检测出刀片破损。

    Through collecting vibration signal and analyzing it in the frequency domain in the condition of changing parameter cutting , a single self power spectrum is hard to detect tool breakage effectively .

  20. 文章首先给出了利用环境随机激励实际工程结构输出响应自功率谱间接识别柔性结构模态参数的方法,并运用它对一斜拉桥现场测试结果进行了分析。

    An approach for identifying the modal parameters of a civil engineering structure by means of the self power spectrum analysis of its output response under the random excitation of environments is presented .

  21. 对比研究自功率谱熵和功率谱熵在损伤识别方面的异同点,通过实验研究论证本文提出方法的优势。

    When applied to damage identification , the similarities and differences between auto-power spectrum entropy and power spectrum entropy are comparatively studied ; the advantage of proposed method is demonstrated by experimental research .

  22. 计算了结构响应的自功率谱密度和方差,对隔震系统和非隔震系统的随机响应进行了比较,讨论了偏心结构的平-扭耦联影响。

    The power spectrum density and variance of structural response was calculated . The random response of isolated system and that of non - isolated system was compared and the influence of translation-torsion coupling of eccentric structure was discussed .

  23. 早期肝硬化时,血及氧波形节律不规则、自功率谱主频峰位置后移在1.0~1.5Hz间,且出现多峰。

    The rhythm of the undulated forms of blood and oxygen in the early hepatocirrhosis was irregular . The main frequency peak of auto-power spectrum was found to move back to the rang 1.0 ~ 1.5 Hz and multi-peak was seen .

  24. 并可进行频谱分析,可选用傅立叶变换、自功率谱、互功率谱、自相关函数、互相关函数等多种信号分析处理方法;

    And can go on the frequency spectrum of the need to analyse , can select for use Fourier Transformation , power spectrum , auto-correlation function , cross-correlation function , etc. many kinds of signals analyse and process the method each other ;

  25. 其次,应用谱分析的方法,计算各工况下的自功率谱,确定模型的共振频率。

    The method in this thesis is confirmed basic on the experiment and measured data . Secondly , the self-power spectrum of different behaviors is calculated in this thesis with the spectrum analysis method and the resonance frequency of the model is confirmed .

  26. 采用等效声压级、相干函数及自功率谱等不同的信号处理方法,对摩擦噪声及振动信号进行分析,研究沟槽形表面织构对摩擦系统的振动及噪声的影响。

    Different signal processing methods including equivalent sound pressure level , coherence function and auto power spectrums were used to evaluated the vibration and noise signals . The effects of grooved surface texture on the vibration and noise properties of the friction system were studied .

  27. 此方法由于引入了相位差概念并结合已有的自功率谱、相干函数、视速度模型,从而使得生成具有时-频非平稳特性的空间变异地震动的过程更为直接和简便。

    This method with some empirical power spectrum density ( PSD ) models , coherency function models and the modles of apparent velocity can make it easy and directly to be done that generates the spatial varying ground motions be - cause of importing the concept of phase-difference .

  28. 作为对照,用自相关功率谱分析检测短周期项的理论值序列和BIH的世界时序列,都得到了显著的短周期项功率谱。

    In contrast with this result , the same analyses of both the theoretical series of tidal terms and the BIH series of UT demonstrate the notable power spectrum of the short-period terms .

  29. 得到了周期解和准周期解的自相关功率谱线。

    Auto power spectrum of the periodic and quasi-periodic solution has been obtained .

  30. 本文用自回归功率谱方法分析了极移、地球自转和大气激发函数的资料,得到了它们的低频谱。

    The data of polar motion , rotation of the earth and atmospheric excitation func - tion are analysed by the Auto-Regression power spectrum method , and their spectra at low frequency band are obtained .