
  1. 一九六二年的古巴导弹危机使苏联人清醒地看到战略劣势造成的不利后果。

    The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 brought home to the Soviets the penalty for strategic inferiority .

  2. 定量分析了武汉市养猪业的现状,同时采用SWOT分析法定性分析了武汉市养猪业循环经济模式发展的战略优势、劣势、机遇和威胁。

    It gives a quantitative description of the status quo of the pig industry in Wuhan . Using the SWOT analysis , this part has qualitatively analyzed the strategic advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and threats of developing circular economy in pig industry in Wuhan .

  3. 高新技术中小企业的战略优势与劣势-战略发展分析

    Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of Small and Medium Sized High-Tech Firms-A Focus on Strategy Development

  4. 在区域旅游客源市场调查的基础上,科学分析区域旅游客源市场开发中的SWOT因素,制定适宜的开发战略,可以变劣势为优势,化威胁为机遇,实现客源市场持续开发。

    On basis of regional tourist market data , it is important to analyze SWOT factors and to formulate appropriate tourist exploitation countermeasures for sustainable tourism development .

  5. 随后对广东移动进行了SWOT分析,找出了其实施电子商务战略的优势、劣势、机会和挑战,从而更加明确的提出具体的措施。

    Then the CMCC Guangdong Company SWOT analysis , found the implementation of e-business strategy strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges , and thereby more clear of specific measures .

  6. 分析了我国石油企业发展循环经济的紧迫性以及目前发展循环经济战略的优势和劣势。

    Analyze the urgency of developing circular economy , advantages and disadvantages of circular economy strategy for petroleum enterprises .

  7. 但是也存在管理者素质较低、资金相对不足、人力资源不足、注册用户数少、战略方向不明等劣势。

    But there are also the managers of lower quality , the relative lack of funds , lack of human resources , the number of registered users , strategic direction is unknown disadvantage .

  8. 通过比较动态竞争战略与传统竞争战略的优势及劣势,指出实施动态竞争战略已经势在必行;

    Through compared the advantages and disadvantages of traditional competition strategy with dynamic competition strategy , point out that it is imperative for the implementation of dynamic competition strategy .

  9. 把这些局部的东西集合起来,就成了我们的战略优势和战略主动,敌人的战略劣势和战略被动。

    These local successes will add up to strategic superiority and initiative for us and strategic inferiority and passivity for the enemy .

  10. 跨国战略联盟企业文化多样性是客观存在的,企业文化多样性既是跨国战略联盟竞争优势的源泉,又是跨国战略联盟竞争劣势的源泉。

    Chapter three . The Corporate Culture Diversity in International strategic Alliance .