
  • 网络Fight Arena
  1. 在东方,年幼的小公牛要经受来自战斗竞技场特殊方式的检验。

    In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner .

  2. 一个沼泽和河流交织而成的网络。在这里他们被激发出生存欲望,接下来的景象令人叹为观止:这是羚羊极度缺乏下的巨大战斗竞技场。决斗士们互相角逐,甚至用一死来争夺交配的权利。

    A network of swamps and rivers , where they can unleash their unique breeding spectacle . This is where the antelopes lacks of form , vast fighting arenas , where gladiators duel , sometimes to the death for the right to mate .

  3. 你与他战斗的竞技场使他可以发挥出强大的致命的战斗能力。

    The circular arena in which you fight Nardur makes his knockback his most deadly ability .